Game over for Obamacare

Quite possibly the dumbest thing ever stated. You might find a few fringe RHINO's who were looking for a system that would eliminate bums from abusing the healthcare system and going to emergency rooms for every cough and cold and NEVER paying, but you will NEVER produce any evidence to support your claim that "the entire Republican Party" thought Obamacare was a good idea.

"Individual health care insurance mandate has roots two decades long

The controversial individual mandate that was upheld Thursday by the U.S. Supreme Court stems back more than 20 years, believed to have originated with a prominent conservative think tank.

The mandate, requiring every American to purchase health insurance, appeared in a 1989 published proposal by Stuart M. Butler of the conservative Heritage Foundation called "Assuring Affordable Health Care for All Americans," which included a provision to "mandate all households to obtain adequate insurance."

Here is a link with a video of a debate from the last presidentail election where Romey, the eventual Republican nominee, is debating Newt Gringrich, who was, at one point, leading the polls for Republican Presidential nomination, and went on to win several primaries.

The exchange starts at the 27:38 mark but to save you time I have privded the transcript.

ROMNEY: Actually, Newt, we got the idea of an individual mandate from you.

GINGRICH: That’s not true. You got it from the Heritage Foundation.

ROMNEY: Yes, we got it from you, and you got it from the Heritage Foundation and from you.

GINGRICH: Wait a second. What you just said is not true. You did not get that from me. You got it from the Heritage Foundation.

ROMNEY: And you never supported them?

GINGRICH: I agree with them, but I’m just saying, what you said to this audience just now plain wasn’t true.


ROMNEY: OK. Let me ask, have you supported in the past an individual mandate?

GINGRICH: I absolutely did with the Heritage Foundation against Hillarycare.

ROMNEY: You did support an individual mandate?

ROMNEY: Oh, OK. That’s what I’m saying. We got the idea from you and the Heritage Foundation.

GINGRICH: OK. A little broader.


Obama Care is Romeny Care and Romeny was the Republican nominee for President in 2012.

WSJ/NBC Poll: Only 37% of Americans Say Obamacare Is 'Good idea'

Only 37 percent of Americans think Obamacare is a "good idea," with the gap between supporters and skeptics of President Barack Obama's signature healthcare program reaching a new high, a poll has found.

According to a Wall Street Journal/NBC survey of 1,000 adults, 49 percent say Obamacare is a "bad idea," with 43 percent saying they "strongly" hold that view.

The 12-point gap in how Obamacare is viewed is the largest since the Affordable Care Act was signed into law in March 2010.

You losers are in the minority. WAKE UP!!!

So those 5 Republican Govs who support Obama Care can't read polls?

I don't know what you even argue with this guy. The post about white trash rantings was right on. He spoiuts the shit from rightiwng blogs, on one post he site Reagan Supply Side Economics!

This is the kind of guy who goes to give a lecture on biology to his kids 3rd grade class and reads to tehm from the Bible about Noah's flood!


Probably has a family membership to the Creationist Museum in KY.

I don't know what you even argue with this guy. The post about white trash rantings was right on. He spoiuts the shit from rightiwng blogs, on one post he site Reagan Supply Side Economics!

This is the kind of guy who goes to give a lecture on biology to his kids 3rd grade class and reads to tehm from the Bible about Noah's flood!


Probably has a family membership to the Creationist Museum in KY.

Oh boy, supply side economics is so controversial. And you gotta love your religious intolerance... It is so standard for the left. Unless of course we are talking about Muslims, then you pussies are completely silent and sometimes even supportive. PATHETIC!

"Individual health care insurance mandate has roots two decades long

The controversial individual mandate that was upheld Thursday by the U.S. Supreme Court stems back more than 20 years, believed to have originated with a prominent conservative think tank.

The mandate, requiring every American to purchase health insurance, appeared in a 1989 published proposal by Stuart M. Butler of the conservative Heritage Foundation called "Assuring Affordable Health Care for All Americans," which included a provision to "mandate all households to obtain adequate insurance."

Here is a link with a video of a debate from the last presidentail election where Romey, the eventual Republican nominee, is debating Newt Gringrich, who was, at one point, leading the polls for Republican Presidential nomination, and went on to win several primaries.

The exchange starts at the 27:38 mark but to save you time I have privded the transcript.

ROMNEY: Actually, Newt, we got the idea of an individual mandate from you.

GINGRICH: That’s not true. You got it from the Heritage Foundation.

ROMNEY: Yes, we got it from you, and you got it from the Heritage Foundation and from you.

GINGRICH: Wait a second. What you just said is not true. You did not get that from me. You got it from the Heritage Foundation.

ROMNEY: And you never supported them?

GINGRICH: I agree with them, but I’m just saying, what you said to this audience just now plain wasn’t true.


ROMNEY: OK. Let me ask, have you supported in the past an individual mandate?

GINGRICH: I absolutely did with the Heritage Foundation against Hillarycare.

ROMNEY: You did support an individual mandate?

ROMNEY: Oh, OK. That’s what I’m saying. We got the idea from you and the Heritage Foundation.

GINGRICH: OK. A little broader.


Obama Care is Romeny Care and Romeny was the Republican nominee for President in 2012.

You will NEVER produce any evidence to support your claim that "the entire Republican Party" thought Obamacare was a good idea. Romney is a RINO. Romney was a shit candidate. Romney, nor any of your examples, represent the "the entire Republican Party."

So those 5 Republican Govs who support Obama Care can't read polls?

There are 30 Republican Governors with at least that many Republican controlled legislatures, so who gives a fuck about a handful of rogue, RINO Republicans.

Brewer had to battle to get legislation through the Senate, succeeding only with the help of Democrats. The issue could come to a head as early as the coming week in the Arizona House. Brewer seems to have the edge, but her fellow Republicans are unyielding.

In Ohio, Kasich has framed the Medicaid decision as a moral cause, using the language of his Christian beliefs.

But fellow party members don’t seem willing to make a leap of faith.

Republicans overwhelmingly control both the Ohio House and Senate. They’re leery of expanding government programs and fear being stuck with any long-term costs. The Senate, where Republicans hold 23 of 33 seats, is critical.

So enough about the fallacy that Republicans support Obamacare. You morons live in an alternate reality.

Apparently it is YOU who can't read polls. Obamacare is a disaster and most people know it. Sorry you're not one of them.

Funny, first you make a challenge to find one piece of evidence that Obama Care was first an idea of the Republicans then when I shove that down your ignorant inbred freekin throat you go on to say that it is a diaster even when 5 Republican govenors have supported it yet you say you imply that I am the one that doesn't "know something"?

You are obviously very used to disucssions with others of low grade intelligence and comforatble wtih facts only obtained from Faux News and Glenn Beck. That's nice, as it makes it very easy for society to shit you out its asshole into the toilet of history.

You said this "Until reently the entire Republican Party thought it was a good idea since it began at Heritage and then they adopted it."

I said nothing about who came up with the idea. I said there is no evidence anywhere that the ENTIRE Republican Party supported the idea.... Still waiting for evidence, while your dumb ass tries to redefine the argument.

Typical unsupported claims from the left. Now spout hatred toward religion and other completely unrelated topics.

You said this "Until reently the entire Republican Party thought it was a good idea since it began at Heritage and then they adopted it."

I said nothing about who came up with the idea. I said there is no evidence anywhere that the ENTIRE Republican Party supported the idea.... Still waiting for evidence, while your dumb ass tries to redefine the argument.

Typical unsupported claims from the left. Now spout hatred toward religion and other completely unrelated topics.

In 2012 Romeny was "the entire Republican Party" as he got "60,221,746 votes, while McCain received 59,948,323 popular votes in 2008." And it is called Romeny Care for nothing.

And so why do you call it "hatred toward religion" when I am simply pointing out the shear ignorance of what ~ 50% of Christians believe to be true? I don't have "hatred towards religion" as I, and many others, are members of the ~ 50% that aren't literalists morons. The hatred is in your own mind and it is obvious that you are a member of the dumb 50%. And most of these forms of Christianity that beleive this way are in the Southern portions of the United States. In the 2007 Presidential debates the Republican candidates for POTUS were asked to raise thier hand if they believed in Evolution. McCain was the only one to do so. He has attended a Baptist Church for a long time. How is that possible? He doens't attend a "Southern" Baptist Church. Just like the "Southern Methodists" etc etc.

And you say that I mention "other unrelated topics" but I beg to differ as they are related.

Only someone born into or later accepting a theology that must be based on denying reality can then hold political beliefs like yours. In effect, a well practiced disdain for facts is the only way one can hold beleifs like the belief in a litteral enterpretation of the Old Testament and things like Supply Side Economics. They go hand-in-hand and have both been debunked.

Just like Chistains are taught "not to hate the sinners but the sin" I don't hate you but despise the ignorance you dwell in and the lack of self repsect you display in every post.

In 2012 Romeny was "the entire Republican Party" as he got "60,221,746 votes, while McCain received 59,948,323 popular votes in 2008." And it is called Romeny Care for nothing.

And so why do you call it "hatred toward religion" when I am simply pointing out the shear ignorance of what ~ 50% of Christians believe to be true? I don't have "hatred towards religion" as I, and many others, are members of the ~ 50% that aren't literalists morons. The hatred is in your own mind and it is obvious that you are a member of the dumb 50%. And most of these forms of Christianity that beleive this way are in the Southern portions of the United States. In the 2007 Presidential debates the Republican candidates for POTUS were asked to raise thier hand if they believed in Evolution. McCain was the only one to do so. He has attended a Baptist Church for a long time. How is that possible? He doens't attend a "Southern" Baptist Church. Just like the "Southern Methodists" etc etc.

And you say that I mention "other unrelated topics" but I beg to differ as they are related.

Only someone born into or later accepting a theology that must be based on denying reality can then hold political beliefs like yours. In effect, a well practiced disdain for facts is the only way one can hold beleifs like the belief in a litteral enterpretation of the Old Testament and things like Supply Side Economics. They go hand-in-hand and have both been debunked.

Just like Chistains are taught "not to hate the sinners but the sin" I don't hate you but despise the ignorance you dwell in and the lack of self repsect you display in every post.

So over 60 million voted for the guy who said this? "What the Court did not do on its last day in session,” adding, “I will do on my first day if elected President of the United States. And that is I will act to repeal Obamacare.” He doubled down on the rhetoric in a new campaign ad with the slogan, “Day one. Job one. Repeal Obamacare.”

Doesn't sound like a guy who supported Obamacare and no fucking way would 60 million republicans have voted for him if they thought he did.

So I invite you to join reality and to quit talking about Christian principles as though you value its teachings. You are intolerant and full of hate like man liberals who place their faith in government.

Don't you just love when liberals try to rewrite history. Usually it's 200 year old history, nothing as recent as our last presidential election. Thank goodness facts are always around to swat those pesky liberals like flies.

What's next? Do you want to convince me the sky is green?

Don't you just love when liberals try to rewrite history. Usually it's 200 year old history, nothing as recent as our last presidential election. Thank goodness facts are always around to swat those pesky liberals like flies.

What's next? Do you want to convince me the sky is green?

And exactly what color do you think the sky is then fact boy

It's kind of early to say Game over don't you think. But I am curious, you think it's going to put Doctors in the poor house?

Not sure how if it will put doctors in the poor house. I do know that it is set to create a HUGE doctor shortage in America. I am also sure that it will put America in the poor house.... more so than it already is.