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Galderma is a Harvard Business Review of how to Tank a great company with Piss Poor Leadership


Years ago Galderma was amazing. It was the Best company in aesthetics that everyone envied and people would kill to work here. Fast forward till now and people are dying to leave. Flemmjng, EB and KH are the Vladimir Putins of the company. Narcissistic and only caring about themselves and their stock in the company. Comp plans that don’t pay, threatening 85% under plan letters and thinking that nobody will leave to go to “second tier” companies.
To these psychopaths let me tell you that you are horrible people and that when you shuffle the mortal coil there will be people that are happy you are gone. You don’t bring value to humanity and your selfish greed will only set you further away from Jesus. Jesus doesn’t love you because you create chaos and negative vibes when people go home to their families and wonder why they work so hard to make nothing. You strategically create comp plans to make people fear they will be fired and the hope they will get a sales bonus which is near impossible to get. The lord Jesus has no respect for the bad people you are and all you care about is the almighty dollar. With glorious vengeance the lord will strike down upon you with knowing you create more bad than good in the universe. It’s not too late to change though. Revolt against flemming. The top leaders need to revolt with no fear of losing your job as it’s just a short chapter in your life. Tell that man how horrible he is and do something good for the people that entrust you with their family and livelihood. Form a coup and get flemming out. He is just a mortal person that needs to be sent to the devil whom he can mate with. You are all better than this. Wake up
EB, KH , Directors, Silvia and all you second tier leaders. Push the man out and all your lives will be better. Life is too short to be on the bad side of Galderma. Only true patriots can turn this boat around. Either you are part of the solution or part of the problem.

Years ago Galderma was amazing. It was the Best company in aesthetics that everyone envied and people would kill to work here. Fast forward till now and people are dying to leave. Flemmjng, EB and KH are the Vladimir Putins of the company. Narcissistic and only caring about themselves and their stock in the company. Comp plans that don’t pay, threatening 85% under plan letters and thinking that nobody will leave to go to “second tier” companies.
To these psychopaths let me tell you that you are horrible people and that when you shuffle the mortal coil there will be people that are happy you are gone. You don’t bring value to humanity and your selfish greed will only set you further away from Jesus. Jesus doesn’t love you because you create chaos and negative vibes when people go home to their families and wonder why they work so hard to make nothing. You strategically create comp plans to make people fear they will be fired and the hope they will get a sales bonus which is near impossible to get. The lord Jesus has no respect for the bad people you are and all you care about is the almighty dollar. With glorious vengeance the lord will strike down upon you with knowing you create more bad than good in the universe. It’s not too late to change though. Revolt against flemming. The top leaders need to revolt with no fear of losing your job as it’s just a short chapter in your life. Tell that man how horrible he is and do something good for the people that entrust you with their family and livelihood. Form a coup and get flemming out. He is just a mortal person that needs to be sent to the devil whom he can mate with. You are all better than this. Wake up
EB, KH , Directors, Silvia and all you second tier leaders. Push the man out and all your lives will be better. Life is too short to be on the bad side of Galderma. Only true patriots can turn this boat around. Either you are part of the solution or part of the problem.
Amen to everything just said. True true true. EQT must intervene and fire flemming before it too late and there’s no value in Galderma.

Years ago Galderma was amazing. It was the Best company in aesthetics that everyone envied and people would kill to work here. Fast forward till now and people are dying to leave. Flemmjng, EB and KH are the Vladimir Putins of the company. Narcissistic and only caring about themselves and their stock in the company. Comp plans that don’t pay, threatening 85% under plan letters and thinking that nobody will leave to go to “second tier” companies.
To these psychopaths let me tell you that you are horrible people and that when you shuffle the mortal coil there will be people that are happy you are gone. You don’t bring value to humanity and your selfish greed will only set you further away from Jesus. Jesus doesn’t love you because you create chaos and negative vibes when people go home to their families and wonder why they work so hard to make nothing. You strategically create comp plans to make people fear they will be fired and the hope they will get a sales bonus which is near impossible to get. The lord Jesus has no respect for the bad people you are and all you care about is the almighty dollar. With glorious vengeance the lord will strike down upon you with knowing you create more bad than good in the universe. It’s not too late to change though. Revolt against flemming. The top leaders need to revolt with no fear of losing your job as it’s just a short chapter in your life. Tell that man how horrible he is and do something good for the people that entrust you with their family and livelihood. Form a coup and get flemming out. He is just a mortal person that needs to be sent to the devil whom he can mate with. You are all better than this. Wake up
EB, KH , Directors, Silvia and all you second tier leaders. Push the man out and all your lives will be better. Life is too short to be on the bad side of Galderma. Only true patriots can turn this boat around. Either you are part of the solution or part of the problem.
Everything that is been said, discussed or written about Flemming is true. He is toxic and narcissistic and it’s affecting everyone around him. But he does not care. He constantly brings negativity and chaos into situations, and it’s exhausting. The entire workforce cannot ignore how destructive Flemming’s actions have become. It’s not fair on anyone. It’s difficult to comprehend why he is allowed to continue given his reputation.

Listen Up Little People.

You are little and insignificant to the success of any organization. You are 100% replaceable and total plug and play. We overpay you based on your limited education, training and skill set. You should be very grateful to have this job with a premier company and benefits package. If you were more mature, savy and intelligent, you would.

Your parents failed you a d didn’t provide appropriate perspective and expectations. Now you irritating entitlement and weak mental game are plagued around here

Pack up. Move out. You are now getting another letter and 5 day PIP.

Time to wake up and grow up.

The Janitorial Staff.
(We have to put up with your shit)

Listen Up Little People.

You are little and insignificant to the success of any organization. You are 100% replaceable and total plug and play. We overpay you based on your limited education, training and skill set. You should be very grateful to have this job with a premier company and benefits package. If you were more mature, savy and intelligent, you would.

Your parents failed you a d didn’t provide appropriate perspective and expectations. Now you irritating entitlement and weak mental game are plagued around here

Pack up. Move out. You are now getting another letter and 5 day PIP.

Time to wake up and grow up.

The Janitorial Staff.
(We have to put up with your shit)
Thanks Brian B. Yes. We are all replaceable. As Fleming has shown even senior leadership is replaceable. I mean he fired Miles and Alisa and from that point forward the company turned to shit. At the end of the day everyone is replaceable. Eric B and Kelly H are replaceable too. In fact that should be done. If tweedle dee and tweedle dumb were replaced we would all be making more money like we are entitled too. I mean look- even the McDonald’s cashiers are entitled to a tip - these damn millennials. I’m not whining. I don’t even care. I make my base salary, and get injected with free samples that Galderma graciously sends me every quarter. I even trade those samples for order too because that’s all the company gives us samples for. I look hot too in my tight miniskirt ask I give BJs for filler orders. It’s an easy job.

Thanks Brian B. Yes. We are all replaceable. As Fleming has shown even senior leadership is replaceable. I mean he fired Miles and Alisa and from that point forward the company turned to shit. At the end of the day everyone is replaceable. Eric B and Kelly H are replaceable too. In fact that should be done. If tweedle dee and tweedle dumb were replaced we would all be making more money like we are entitled too. I mean look- even the McDonald’s cashiers are entitled to a tip - these damn millennials. I’m not whining. I don’t even care. I make my base salary, and get injected with free samples that Galderma graciously sends me every quarter. I even trade those samples for order too because that’s all the company gives us samples for. I look hot too in my tight miniskirt ask I give BJs for filler orders. It’s an easy job.
Firing Miles & Alisa & June &&& was a huge mistake. It was the beginning of the end for the US when that happened.

Years ago Galderma was amazing. It was the Best company in aesthetics that everyone envied and people would kill to work here. Fast forward till now and people are dying to leave. Flemmjng, EB and KH are the Vladimir Putins of the company. Narcissistic and only caring about themselves and their stock in the company. Comp plans that don’t pay, threatening 85% under plan letters and thinking that nobody will leave to go to “second tier” companies.
To these psychopaths let me tell you that you are horrible people and that when you shuffle the mortal coil there will be people that are happy you are gone. You don’t bring value to humanity and your selfish greed will only set you further away from Jesus. Jesus doesn’t love you because you create chaos and negative vibes when people go home to their families and wonder why they work so hard to make nothing. You strategically create comp plans to make people fear they will be fired and the hope they will get a sales bonus which is near impossible to get. The lord Jesus has no respect for the bad people you are and all you care about is the almighty dollar. With glorious vengeance the lord will strike down upon you with knowing you create more bad than good in the universe. It’s not too late to change though. Revolt against flemming. The top leaders need to revolt with no fear of losing your job as it’s just a short chapter in your life. Tell that man how horrible he is and do something good for the people that entrust you with their family and livelihood. Form a coup and get flemming out. He is just a mortal person that needs to be sent to the devil whom he can mate with. You are all better than this. Wake up
EB, KH , Directors, Silvia and all you second tier leaders. Push the man out and all your lives will be better. Life is too short to be on the bad side of Galderma. Only true patriots can turn this boat around. Either you are part of the solution or part of the problem.
What an idiot

Flemming could have literally just left things alone when he inherited Galderma and just took a few years off to play golf and we’d all be making more money and the company would be in great shape and we’d have been sold off to tons of people who would want us. It was a well oiled machine when he took over. Literally- he didn’t need to change a thing. It’s like he bought a Ferrari and took a big shit inside the car thinking he was adding value. The guy is a Moron. This is definitely a Harvard business review of how to screw up something great by being and idiot.

Flemming could have literally just left things alone when he inherited Galderma and just took a few years off to play golf and we’d all be making more money and the company would be in great shape and we’d have been sold off to tons of people who would want us. It was a well oiled machine when he took over. Literally- he didn’t need to change a thing. It’s like he bought a Ferrari and took a big shit inside the car thinking he was adding value. The guy is a Moron. This is definitely a Harvard business review of how to screw up something great by being and idiot.
Such a truthful post. EQT, I hope you read this!

Not really sure what EQT thinks about flemmings performance but you’d think they would fire him by now. He single handedly destroyed a great company with the flex of his chest. Would love to see the TV documentary on this whole debacle in a few years. He’s gotta go down in history as world’s worst leader. Conspiracy theory makes me think he is getting paid by Allergan to destroy Galderma.

Not really sure what EQT thinks about flemmings performance but you’d think they would fire him by now. He single handedly destroyed a great company with the flex of his chest. Would love to see the TV documentary on this whole debacle in a few years. He’s gotta go down in history as world’s worst leader. Conspiracy theory makes me think he is getting paid by Allergan to destroy Galderma.
There is unanimous consensus that Flemming destroyed this company. His reputation is catastrophic and everyone hates him for who is is….a pathetic, narcissistic snake.

I am very much still at galderma but been miserable for a while - after IPO no reason to stay - I was interviewing with an awesome company and the interviewer is like… how’s Flemming doing? I say good - and he replies, well you’ve lasted longer than I did… the guy wants turnover every year to exert his ego and he matters. Hahahahahhaa. We bonded in an interview over how awful he was hahahahha. What this company and Hr don’t realize is that human capital is more important than EQT capital for long term sustainability.

Listen up kiddies we ain’t giving out anymore juice boxes and 5th place ribbons. Move along and make room at the table for the grownups
Done asshole. Eating sh*t is your specialty. Peace - got a job that pays 1.5x. F*ck you Galderma. All you assholes will get karma served to you and your families in the worst way possible.

I am very much still at galderma but been miserable for a while - after IPO no reason to stay - I was interviewing with an awesome company and the interviewer is like… how’s Flemming doing? I say good - and he replies, well you’ve lasted longer than I did… the guy wants turnover every year to exert his ego and he matters. Hahahahahhaa. We bonded in an interview over how awful he was hahahahha. What this company and Hr don’t realize is that human capital is more important than EQT capital for long term sustainability.
I’ve been asked by recruiters what Flemming is like, as if they want confirmation that what they have heard is true. Such a difficult question to answer, as I feel like shouting asshole from the rooftop but need to remain professional. Thanks god we have this forum where we can openly vent about Flemming. And thanks god it’s not only me, we all appear to share the same opinion about this liability called Flemming.

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