FYI - Forest HR Monitors this web site

I am going through a process niw. They told me not to discuss it publicly but I have to tell others. They used my IP address through an agreement with the cafe pharma site owners. They then put me on a warning because forest pays for my internet connection and I said some derogatory things about someone on this site. This is the last time I am posting.

btw, I am at a kinkos. dont be stupid and post from home or where forest pays. you ill get caught.

  • cafead   Aug 03, 2011 at 12:33: AM
I am going through a process niw. They told me not to discuss it publicly but I have to tell others. They used my IP address through an agreement with the cafe pharma site owners. They then put me on a warning because forest pays for my internet connection and I said some derogatory things about someone on this site. This is the last time I am posting.

btw, I am at a kinkos. dont be stupid and post from home or where forest pays. you ill get caught.

Just a reminder that the above message is not true. We have not shared any user's information. Consistent with our policies, we do not record IP addresses with anonymous posts.

if they are monitoring -are they at all interested in the blight of the entire sales organization- i think they are covering their own butts- if anyone had any interest in fixing this nightmare-many of these dm's would be let go- hope to see you working at a drive thru window(dm's )

Forest HR - I hope you are reading this you worthless excuse of a department. If you were doing your job you'd have fired half the DM's in this company for threatening, backstabbing, and purposely setting reps up for failure. If I were Forest, I would hire an outside HR department to monitor our current HR.

HR is a bunch of worthless assholes, who clearly do not have the employees best interest. I'm sure they monitor this. Enjoy reading bitches!!!!

so not true, actually HR at Forest does have the employees best interest close to the heart, however, it is not the "reps" and "grunts" that they care about. HR is trained to always separate the DM's and RD's from the reps, reps are not even considered valid employees and if you bring issue you are not respected or viewed as a true employee vs. a DM or RD, grunt like reps are temporary field migrate sample droppers, nothing more nothing have no importance to the company, easy in easy out......

Dear HR-

Please monitor my expenses more carefully as I have been stealing from you for years. My kids graduation parties and holiday blasts have been much appreciated. You are all fools and it's no wonder this company is the laughing stock of the industry.

HR can go fuck themselves for all i care. Every damn person i know at this miserable company, would give their right arm to find a decent company to work for and leave these idiots!