FYI - Forest HR Monitors this web site

I do not normally post but do occasionally read some of the comments made about life at forest. I hope HR does read this and seriously considers the arguments made by many of the posters. Forest culture if we ever had one is dead, we as reps receive no respect from our DM's let a lone upper management. These people have made this job unbearable in it's current capacity. We as sales reps for the most part work hard put in long days only to be told you're not good enough, trust the numbers( ha), or my lack of ability to kiss ass holds me back within the company. Yet I still go out everyday pushing for every script maintaining top tier status in the rankings and I am still not good enough. Fortunatly I don't care anymore, I will have a new career very soon and will leave forest because forest has done nothing to make me want to stay and have a career here.

Seriously! Do you think they care? No. If they did they would have made changes ten years ago. Did not happen and will not happen.

Why give two-cents? We will all be in bread lines within twelve months anyhow.

This party is over.

Will the last person please turn off the lights.

HAHAHAHA! They DON'T but I felt like saying it to see what everyone would say to that. Seems like this thread killed the entire forum

You weak and scared cats

You're such an idiot. I'm sure HR does monitor this site, just as I'm sure DMs and RDs and up monitor it, too. Why else do you think posts "disapear" every once in awhile? The point is, it's ANONYMOUS, so unless you are a complete moron and use your work computer or post very specific information, no one would ever be able to figure out who says what.

hr please read, 6 reps in one pod is just stupid, hi dr im here go over namenda, 2 hrs later, hi dr i got exciting namenda, next day well dr great product nameda, too many kids running around getting sigs is just dumb business model, also with 3 managers giving 6 reps different directions is why so many reps are f up here, bad bad bad model, have 1 manager managing all 6 reps in one area thats what majority of pharma company do, this forest crap is dumb dumb model

Then you'd think HR would tell the Managers and RVP's to inform the FOREST VIBRYD reps to stop telling Dr.'s to use Vibryd before Abilify and then to stop trashing Abiliy for all of it's "serious side effects". They'd tell the Vibryd reps to concentrate on their own ARSENAL of a/e's with their drug.

I'm collecting data on mine here in OHIO.

hr please read, 6 reps in one pod is just stupid, hi dr im here go over namenda, 2 hrs later, hi dr i got exciting namenda, next day well dr great product nameda, too many kids running around getting sigs is just dumb business model, also with 3 managers giving 6 reps different directions is why so many reps are f up here, bad bad bad model, have 1 manager managing all 6 reps in one area thats what majority of pharma company do, this forest crap is dumb dumb model

Yes. There is not one half intelligent person here who disagrees with you, however the 1 DM "managing" (loose term) the 6 reps is just as dumb dumb. Try getting rid of 5 of the reps and then you are starting to see the problem. Too many reps! Of course when Forest wakes up from this model of 1987 then there will be less DM's as well, but the biggest problem is the # of reps, 1 rep per territory or at most 2 that have separate product mix. 6 reps per doctor is fucking pathetic and why so many MD's have closed their offices.....forest is a major player in why access in now GONE.

While having too many reps is a problem the biggest problem that I face is the four managers that are in my territory every other week. What other industry pays people a lot of money to produce nothing, and influence nothing. What is the point of having a position to stand over another employee during sales presentations. Does this really improve the sales process, no. I have had more experience and success then my last 4 dm's, I have learned nothing, lost productivity because of ride alongs, and as a result most offices will not allow dm's in any longer. Tell me how it helps to have an obvious douche bag standing behind someone else, I'm sure from a doctors perspective it makes as much sense to them as it does to us.

Yes!!! Heather Lemmon is smoking hot!!!! The rest of HR is made up of a bunch of robots who do exactly what uppermanagement asks. They dont protect the employees at all.

While having too many reps is a problem the biggest problem that I face is the four managers that are in my territory every other week. What other industry pays people a lot of money to produce nothing, and influence nothing. What is the point of having a position to stand over another employee during sales presentations. Does this really improve the sales process, no. I have had more experience and success then my last 4 dm's, I have learned nothing, lost productivity because of ride alongs, and as a result most offices will not allow dm's in any longer. Tell me how it helps to have an obvious douche bag standing behind someone else, I'm sure from a doctors perspective it makes as much sense to them as it does to us.

So true. Forest needs fewer reps, but also WAY FEWER MANAGERS!!! They are such a waste of time and money.

The DMs who are cry babies and who know that their reps despise them read this site every day! I know for a fact b/c my loser DM saw a post that he THOUGHT was about him that he THOUGHT I wrote after he started becoming an asshole to me---the funny thing was--I had never even bothered going to this site before he started attacking me in the car about "writing about him on cafe pharma"...what a fucking moron!!!

Obviously he could tell by my reaction I didn't know what the hell he was talking about so when I got home I checked and apparently someone had written something about someone with his first name and he thought it was about HIM----lol!!!!

The next day at our ride along I told him that it was completely unacceptable and unprofessional behavior to accuse his rep (who by the way was his top performer in the division) of writing things about him, and, if it continued, I would be more than happy to do so....(obviously he already hated me so I had nothing to lose at that point--lol)