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Future of Work - Back in Office Majority of Time


How is everyone feeling about the push towards being back in office start in October? Are you planning to stay or looking for an exit plan?

People would leave because they have to go to work? The home office mind set is very interesting to us in the field. Would love to hear insights around this.

The hand wringing, panty wearing libs can’t help themselves. Wear a mask if you’re so scared or maybe take some lexapro for that self induced anxiety, but get your arse back into the building. The pandemic is over, it’s now a way of life

Above comments are more representative of their personality about working from home: it's a vacation, it's not work, etc. Makes you wonder how low the quality of their work got when they had to quarantine without feeling the pressure of their peers or bosses watching their every move. Thankfully most of us aren't unruly children and have good work ethics so we're able to perform as well, if not better, working from home. For me, most of of my team and department at large there is zero business reason to meet anyone in person, all of our work is done from behind a screen and it's in everybody's interest (including the company even if they're too blind to realize it) to let us work from home if we prefer to. Additionally the idea to be forced to mingle with the likes of the above commenters on campus is definitely more of a deterrent; I can always choose to go chill at a Walmart if for some reason I have the weird sudden desire to be surrounded by a bunch of morons.

Above comments are more representative of their personality about working from home: it's a vacation, it's not work, etc. Makes you wonder how low the quality of their work got when they had to quarantine without feeling the pressure of their peers or bosses watching their every move. Thankfully most of us aren't unruly children and have good work ethics so we're able to perform as well, if not better, working from home. For me, most of of my team and department at large there is zero business reason to meet anyone in person, all of our work is done from behind a screen and it's in everybody's interest (including the company even if they're too blind to realize it) to let us work from home if we prefer to. Additionally the idea to be forced to mingle with the likes of the above commenters on campus is definitely more of a deterrent; I can always choose to go chill at a Walmart if for some reason I have the weird sudden desire to be surrounded by a bunch of morons.

You’re one of the dweebs that sits around in you skivies at home and watches porn on your personal computer while “working “ on your work issued one.

You’re one of the dweebs that sits around in you skivies at home and watches porn on your personal computer while “working “ on your work issued one.

And you're one of the idiots who think going into the office is productive and necessary but in reality no one wants to deal with your ugly ass face in person.

And you're one of the idiots who think going into the office is productive and necessary but in reality no one wants to deal with your ugly ass face in person.

Wrong Bucky, I’m one of the revenue producers in the field who sees customers in their offices (because most want in-person meetings vs virtual). If you can do your job from home and want to spend each day getting paid to pull your pud, and clean up the jiz on your PC, have at it. Keep that resume updated

Can someone post the lame email memo?

I guess I am going to have to find part time child care, since I’ve been watching my kids during the day while I do email and running errands.

PS: I would leave but all pharma co’s require half time on-site or more…

The hand wringing, panty wearing libs can’t help themselves. Wear a mask if you’re so scared or maybe take some lexapro for that self induced anxiety, but get your arse back into the building. The pandemic is over, it’s now a way of life
Go fuck yourself with the panty wearing libs bullshit. Guess what needledick, the pharma sales arena is predominantly women. So yes, we are panty wearing people. I wonder….are you?????!

Go fuck yourself with the panty wearing libs bullshit. Guess what needledick, the pharma sales arena is predominantly women. So yes, we are panty wearing people. I wonder….are you?????!

Someone got their knickers in a bunch. The women leadership of Genentech are some of the worst in the industry. All the good ones left during the right sizing.

Now that we have the name-calling and extreme opinions out of the way let's have a thoughtful discussion since this site lives rent free in Alexander Hardy's head and represents a platform for expression of our feelings about this policy, while legitimate rebuttals to Management's decision to force majority time on campus are ignored during office hours, likely censored in the PollEv, and at worse might be used to flag grievanced employees.

While there are legitimate advantages to in person work, such as relationship building and more unprompted discussions that are difficult to initiate using instant messaging or virtual calls, mandating majority time is excessive and unnecessary.

Most junior employees able to work remotely (a sizeable proportion of the company) would do so for the majority of their workweek if given the choice. Considering what they are paid they would not want to overpay for small apartments or crappy houses near the techie dominated cultural wasteland that is the Peninsula or homeless junkie-infested and crime ridden SF. Allowing majority remote work would relieve these employees of this unnecessary burden, allowing for happier employees able to spend more time with (and start) their families.

The decision makers forcing majority campus time down our throats do so from their gilded Hillsborough, Atherton, and Menlo park mansions with no consideration of the very real costs of their authoritarian mandate. They are holding people back from starting their lives.

All this because a bunch of extroverts want to feel more of a purpose? Or because too much was spent on building the campus, and instead of leasing it out or repurposing the space they decide to live in the past? At the very least they should convert buildings into hotels so that employees can live more comfortably farther away from SSF, and be able to stay overnight before they come to campus.

It's easy to write dismissive and insensitive snark that's largely inaccurate when you have nothing to lose from the return-to-office mandate.

Perhaps you were fortunate to buy a home nearby when the market wasn't so inflated? Or you don't have young children? Or the above don't apply but you joined at a senior role with a salary to buffer against the concerns in the above post?

It's understandable that middle managers are being asked to help enforce the mandate, but you should be able to distinguish what is being asked of you from what is fair. You should still be able to empathize rather than characterizing less fortunate people as extreme.

Many departmental surveys signalled that people don't want to return at high frequency, but we are still being bulldozed with the mandate and ignored. The cost of this mandate far outweighs the benefit.

It is no fun being the boss when you don’t have immediate and daily access to your minions.

we need you back in the office to justify our salaries and facilities expenses.

don’t worry about the cost and hardships. This is what you signed up for.

We will send you all back home the next time we feel an election is in jeopardy.