Future of Merck

While you are wallowing in negativity, look at past performance: Lipitor was third to market. If....big if...Ertugliflozin comes to market with strong data, it could dominate. Why would Merck sleep with the devil, Pfizer?

If you aren't used to re-org's every two years, you might want to go into another sales field. It's the norm for pharma.

While you are wallowing in negativity, look at past performance: Lipitor was third to market. If....big if...Ertugliflozin comes to market with strong data, it could dominate. Why would Merck sleep with the devil, Pfizer?

If you aren't used to re-org's every two years, you might want to go into another sales field. It's the norm for pharma.
what would strong data be with our SGLT2? it has no CV outcomes. it has no head to head.
so its an impossibility for their to be strong data. whatever data there is we will be unable to compare it to others.
and the CV outcomes will trump any minor differences in efficacy or safety that the company would try to sell without head to head data

Thanks old fart I couldn't agree with you more. Merck reps who aren't near retirement have been riding the high horse for years. Drinking $5 lattes, kids in private schools, driving Range Rovers, fancy trips, remodeling and more. How are these cuts a surprise to anyone? Sure most will survive but will require major lifestyle changes.
I made that lifestyle adjustment years ago - less is more! More and more people today are figuring this out. Nobody gives a sh*t what you drive or your McMansion behind the gates of your protected enclave - we're not impressed. Some funds in the bank, basic needs met, freedom to do a little travel when you wish, and a sense of humility is Happiness! These corporations don't give a crap about you. Always be prepared to walk. Gross materialism is overrated - you don't need that much to be content. The minimalist movement is growing.

I have over 27 years in sales. Was it perfect, no. Was it stressful, no. Did I make a lot of money, yes.
Does the benefits of working for Merck outweigh the risks, Yes. Did I have a lot better career than most people, yes. Was if fun, first 16, yes, last 9 not really.
So there you have it...it really was a great place to work, a rep in VA.

Wow, I have had the exact same career in Texas! Super fun in the beginning, last 10 years, not so much. 29 years total in the industry.

I launched Lipitor for Parke-Davis. It launched in 1997. The big difference is almost NO managed care to speak of. If the doc wanted it for his/her pt....they got it. Plus the 10mg only ~$50/month. Things are way different now..just ask Amgen the Repatha reps...what a big TURD of a drug.

Lipitor was the 5th in it's class when launched...Mevacor, Pravachol, Zocor, Lescol, Lipitor.

YA Dig!

Hello, long term Merck guy here. Listening to the quarterly earnings call and most investors only care about this quarter and next quarter. A question was asked about the fact that our growth was coming from basically one product today and what the future would bring and Ken mentioned our product in development for cough. You have to be fucking kidding me. This company is a joke and its future with these leaders is a fucking joke. Thank god I am out of here.

Hello, long term Merck guy here. Listening to the quarterly earnings call and most investors only care about this quarter and next quarter. A question was asked about the fact that our growth was coming from basically one product today and what the future would bring and Ken mentioned our product in development for cough. You have to be fucking kidding me. This company is a joke and its future with these leaders is a fucking joke. Thank god I am out of here.

Nailed it!

From health care innovator to wishful thinking in 25 short years.

Cough, cough. It's a big market with tremendous unmet need. What a joke of a company and a joke of a leadership team. Thanks Roger, Dodger. Billions in research and nothing discovered. No problem though, no accountability here. Haha

I resigned from Merck circa 2011, after 3 years busting my ass as an investigator, only to be told by my power-fixated female manager on my last review, "you met all your objectives, exceeded on some, yet I am forced to place you in the bottom 10%". I went ballistic and resigned 4 months later. Having two dozen people come up to me after I resigned and say, "you were the hardest worker on the deviation management team" made me feel a lot better about this horrific, bullshit scenario. George Merck must be rolling over in his grave. You know why the labs need to be Unionized? It's simple. Because there are so many arrogant, douche-bag dickheads (male and female both) in middle and upper management. Ken Frazier is a lawyer, not a scientist. Ken Frazier isn't scientifically competent enough to carry a freshman lab tech's jock strap. Merck's pipeline is a joke, and has been for 25 years. Fuck Merck.

The future of Merck seems to be an army of 20 year old consultants from BCG. There are 4 of them for every 1 person at headquarters right now. I get that they went to top schools (that their mummy & daddy probably paid for), but they have ZERO real world pharma experience & are calling the shots on everything. The first thing any consultant firm will tell you to do is cut headcount. What’s the matter leadership? Are you afraid of making decisions on your own without having someone to blame if they end up being the wrong decisions? You’re a bunch of cowards who would prefer to axe your REAL employees to pay hundreds of millions of dollars to a consulting firm that simply sells you back what we’re telling them!