We get it, you are just embarrassing yourself at this point...move on.
somebody’s needs a diaper change, getting a little fussy, working in cardiac monitoring is embarrassing.
We get it, you are just embarrassing yourself at this point...move on.
medilynx: where sane billing practices go to die
The company is dead, running out of money, diminished sales, less profitability everyone’s leaving. Now getting a comm cut so we can pay for all the non-revenue producing management team. All the new reps are leaving all the old reps are grumbling. Pushing everyone to sell a holter even though it doesn’t make any money.... that’s very interesting. I would say Q4 results are going to sound just like a toilet flushing I think you’ll be able to hear the toilet flush in Texas also.
OK I think we start a deathwatch, I pick June. I think it’ll take that long for the event only side and some other huge mistakes to start showing and all the line of credit money to dry up, thoughts?
Fall in the fall.
Siemens guys stole every dollar they had and got Marek fired.
No, Marek is the guy behind the software. Got pressured to take a back seat at his own company.Who is Marek? Tech India?