Future of Derm


It’s not downsizing. That’s the least of our concerns. We need to fundamentally change the way we do business as a BU. We want to be a biotech company with all the features they possess. Yet we still operate with the big Pharma model. It worked for years. Make products that treat diseases that affect a lot of people. The problem we face is that we are producing products that have outpaced our business model.it takes more work on our part and the HCPs’ part to get these products in patients’ hands. Add to it the fact that the entire company is run by the legal dept and leadership too scared to do something different.
We should be …
1. Incorporating patient access coordinators to help offices move patients along the process.
2. Reinstitute bundling in our contracts to get the best formulary position.
3. Set up national/regional contracts with specialty pharmacies with a proven track record of success and high standards

More than likely will never happen. Leaders are to risk averse. But, at the end of the day, we have to change if we are going to be successful.

The above post is so true but will only be done with small companies...not us. Big pharma can't operate like that. Something has to change though. There aren't enough trialists to sustain this salesforce. Hopefully new info will help move this along a little bit.

We need to take cues from Rare Disease or find a way to be one step removed from Big Blue. It’s not just I&I that is encountering this problem. All the other BUs will be in the future as our products become more sophisticated.

We need to take cues from Rare Disease or find a way to be one step removed from Big Blue. It’s not just I&I that is encountering this problem. All the other BUs will be in the future as our products become more sophisticated.

The tide is turning. Better products in the bag will improve the climate. Hope it happens fast enough.

There it is...territory optimization...any other news with this?? How will territories be drawn? Does it matter where you live? So happy not to do overlay and base. Will there be layoffs? He said we will be adding territories/headcount, but he didn't say No. Any more insights?

As predicted. This is a resounding defeat of BM 3.3. It was never going to work because we didn’t ask the HCPs or the reps who cover them if they even wanted it. What was glaring was the complete insignificance of the VCC platform and Connect.
We are going back to 2017 if you can believe it. I give them credit for having enough stones to admit it didn’t work.

It’s not downsizing. That’s the least of our concerns. We need to fundamentally change the way we do business as a BU. We want to be a biotech company with all the features they possess. Yet we still operate with the big Pharma model. It worked for years. Make products that treat diseases that affect a lot of people. The problem we face is that we are producing products that have outpaced our business model.it takes more work on our part and the HCPs’ part to get these products in patients’ hands. Add to it the fact that the entire company is run by the legal dept and leadership too scared to do something different.
We should be …
1. Incorporating patient access coordinators to help offices move patients along the process.
2. Reinstitute bundling in our contracts to get the best formulary position.
3. Set up national/regional contracts with specialty pharmacies with a proven track record of success and high standards

More than likely will never happen. Leaders are to risk averse. But, at the end of the day, we have to change if we are going to be successful.

It’s not downsizing. That’s the least of our concerns. We need to fundamentally change the way we do business as a BU. We want to be a biotech company with all the features they possess. Yet we still operate with the big Pharma model. It worked for years. Make products that treat diseases that affect a lot of people. The problem we face is that we are producing products that have outpaced our business model.it takes more work on our part and the HCPs’ part to get these products in patients’ hands. Add to it the fact that the entire company is run by the legal dept and leadership too scared to do something different.
We should be …
1. Incorporating patient access coordinators to help offices move patients along the process.
2. Reinstitute bundling in our contracts to get the best formulary position.
3. Set up national/regional contracts with specialty pharmacies with a proven track record of success and high standards

More than likely will never happen. Leaders are to risk averse. But, at the end of the day, we have to change if we are going to be successful.

Very accurate post. One of the best I’ve read on this site in a while. I tend to disagree on one point. Patient Access Coordinators do NOT need to be brought into the equation. Honestly, FRM’s need to have more autonomy and be able to do more, with the patients interest in mind. Honestly, it seems like I do more FRM “work” than the FRM’s do. Reps should make the process simple for the office to get the product to the patient, end of story. It’s possible and feasible. But now it’s expected that we make 9 calls a day. A good rep shouldn’t be told how many calls he or she should have to do.

Two things that I could add to your very accurate post is
1. Upper management needs to listen, and do what the field force says is needed. We are on the front lines. Maybe they should take the easy road and model their sales model, from top to bottom, like AbbVie does.
2. For all things holy, admit you made a mistake. The multimillion dollar investment in Pfizer Connect was a mistake. It’s ok to say, you made a mistake. Do what’s in the best interest of the shareholders, quit pandering to the woke bullshit, and quit putting lipstick on a pig (Pfizer Connect).

The question moving forward is going to be the need for Connect. Their existence was based on the idea of larger territories and fewer filed reps. If we are going back to the 2017-2019 model, I don’t think they will be needed for the vast majority of offices. Not sure what they are doing now anyway. I still get calls from Ped offices saying they haven’t heard from a Eucrisa rep in forever.

The question moving forward is going to be the need for Connect. Their existence was based on the idea of larger territories and fewer filed reps. If we are going back to the 2017-2019 model, I don’t think they will be needed for the vast majority of offices. Not sure what they are doing now anyway. I still get calls from Ped offices saying they haven’t heard from a Eucrisa rep in forever.
Obvious answer to the 1/2 BILLION dollar budget cut Al is pushing for. Those sites are expense as heck. That and stop the SWAG nonsense and valueless dinner programs. We’d spare a lot of rep jobs with some basic common sense. But no…let’s just combine some teams then axe 1/2 of them at year end. Same stuff over and over.

Single accountability territories like we had during the launch of the division. Hard to believe we did all this unnecessary change to go right back to where we started. I have no confidence in our leadership.