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future for employees at allergan


what does the next few months hold for us. This has been a crazy roller coaster . Will we restructure and layoff or will we stay as is for a while.
we will restructure. If you are legacy Forest you are golden. Legacy Allergan you are in danger. Legacy Actavis 50/50. Simply because they have gotten rid of most of the Actavians who didn't how at the altar of CR and his Forest culture

Based in NJ, then you are fine. You are generally legacy Forest so you are taken care of by your cronies. If you are an unfortunate soul in Irvine, likely to go from bad to worse.

Is my department the only one that promoted NJ people more than Irvine?

Remember - not about competence but who you know

What changes will the women's health division see and when? It is too quiet.

Based on last years happenings wait until next Thursday and 1/2 the force will be let go. Womens Health meetings in Atlanta don't end well.
They will force non Forest people out (how many RD's are legacy Actavis?) unless they have immersed themselves deep in the green Kool aid and even then it may not be enough.
When June 30 rolls around look for a solid restructuring This was when the Pfizer deal was supposed to be finalized and they had planned on restructuring anyways. If I were to guess I see a GI/WH combo with smaller territory sizes. Forest people HATE big territories

we will restructure. If you are legacy Forest you are golden. Legacy Allergan you are in danger. Legacy Actavis 50/50. Simply because they have gotten rid of most of the Actavians who didn't how at the altar of CR and his Forest culture

speak for yourself

every division and department is different

Truth is, nobody knows what is next. Brent just got slammed by Obama after being put in his place by Ian Read. I predict he does something really STUPID under the banner of BOLD. His ego is bruised, and he'll take it out on all of us.

speak for yourself

every division and department is different

They were responding to a question about WH. So yes. They were speaking for themselves.
But I do see Urology and WH merging
That would shrink territory size
And since Forest also hates true Specialty Reps they will augment with more PCP targets
They also loathe Allergan people. Don't believe me? Ask a Forest manager. So if you are Legacy Allergan your days are numbered

They were responding to a question about WH. So yes. They were speaking for themselves.
But I do see Urology and WH merging
That would shrink territory size
And since Forest also hates true Specialty Reps they will augment with more PCP targets
They also loathe Allergan people. Don't believe me? Ask a Forest manager. So if you are Legacy Allergan your days are numbered

You are so full of shit! You sound stupid as shit!

They were responding to a question about WH. So yes. They were speaking for themselves.
But I do see Urology and WH merging
That would shrink territory size
And since Forest also hates true Specialty Reps they will augment with more PCP targets
They also loathe Allergan people. Don't believe me? Ask a Forest manager. So if you are Legacy Allergan your days are numbered
And where- oh soothsayer- do you get your intel? Wait. Let me guess. You've called everything thus far. You're a disgruntled washed up sack who can't sell out of your own shadow. Troll someplace else.

And where- oh soothsayer- do you get your intel? Wait. Let me guess. You've called everything thus far. You're a disgruntled washed up sack who can't sell out of your own shadow. Troll someplace else.

Sounded pretty spot on to me. How many times have you heard Legacy Forest Leadership say that they really had to do a lot to change the culture at Allergan? That they needed to bring a 'sense of urgency' to Allergan Employees? My RD said Allergan employees were in for quite a shock when they found out what it was going to be like working for the 'new company'.

Look at the number and percentage of people who were with the company last March but are no longer here. Those numbers would trend high to Allergan and Actavis folks NOT Forest folks

My manager and RD have repeatedly stated they are working on ways to make our territory smaller

Forest Specialty reps had/have quite a few (40%or more) Primary Care providers on their call panel.

These are all true statements that jive with what the above poster stated. Therefore, it must be assumed you are the Troll. Probably from Forest who would rather attack the messenger than the message. As proof I offer this entire thread.

Jersey, Jersey, Jersey......anyone would think we were a US business! No wonder the treasury shut Pfizer down.....US Business pretending to be Irish!

Now we need to establish if we actually work for a Pharma company! On paper YES!
Reality is that we are led by a Trader, a smart money man who cares little for building a company that focuses on Patients, People & Products that is just hard work.....just buy & sell much easier. The leadership team are no better.
I wonder if Brent will ever have a Jerry Maguire moment? Do things for the greater good, less is more, put his efforts into building something that we can all be proud of.

Sorry I zoned out for a moment and started typing crazy stuff!

Truth is the payoff I was expecting at the end of the year won't be coming.....so I need to put up or ship out.

Jersey, Jersey, Jersey......anyone would think we were a US business! No wonder the treasury shut Pfizer down.....US Business pretending to be Irish!

Now we need to establish if we actually work for a Pharma company! On paper YES!
Reality is that we are led by a Trader, a smart money man who cares little for building a company that focuses on Patients, People & Products that is just hard work.....just buy & sell much easier. The leadership team are no better.
I wonder if Brent will ever have a Jerry Maguire moment? Do things for the greater good, less is more, put his efforts into building something that we can all be proud of.

Sorry I zoned out for a moment and started typing crazy stuff!

Truth is the payoff I was expecting at the end of the year won't be coming.....so I need to put up or ship out.

Was hoping for that nice fat dividend payout every quarter so this work shit would have come to an end!

Future, what future?
Constantly looking over our shoulders to see if the axe is coming!
Buying companies is our business. Until the curse of Valeant gets us too!

Hey Brent....Growth Pharma Sucks!

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