FU Galderma

Hey FU guy. Some of us actually have pride, Flemming. We are here to do the right thing. We want to build a business, not just milk a job. You are driving everything, everyone, everywhere in the ground. You ARE the biggest a**hole in the industry.

Flemming and his “Sprockets” goons destroyed Shire as well. I am amazed at how the same incompetent leaders hop from company and company destroying cultures and taking the hood people down with them. Happens all too often.

Galderma is insane! Apparently the leadership thinks there is some formula or script that will make them tons of cash, gag me! It doesn't work that way. Try supporting and appreciating the talent you have instead of trying to program a bunch of dumbass robots and firing those with any industry know how.

The writing has been on the wall for Galderma since EQT took over but doesn’t need to be. A feckless management team that cannot get sales to increase despite all their misguided Hail Mary attempts to chart a new direction (structure, functions, PGI) that only precipitated a faster decline in performance. The shovels are digging a deeper ditch daily. The situation is a total disgrace.