Frontline Plus question

I have the same problem, only I live in oregon. I put the frontline plus on my 2 dogs, and they are still infested with fleas. Mt's been 2 weeks now. My daughter told me frontline does not work on her dogs and to use advantix,which is fine but I am out the 50 bucks I spent on frontline!

I have the same problem, only I live in oregon. I put the frontline plus on my 2 dogs, and they are still infested with fleas. Mt's been 2 weeks now. My daughter told me frontline does not work on her dogs and to use advantix,which is fine but I am out the 50 bucks I spent on frontline!

This thread lay dormant for over a year. How long did you search to find it? I'm sure you don't have a personal agenda, do you? I hate Merial and think frontline sucks to, but why waste time looking for an old thread to try and post your "real world" scenario. Grow some balls and start your own thread titled "I work for Bayer and hate Frontline."

I live in FL, and we have not had enough of a freeze this winter to kill the outside flea population. My dogs are inside dogs (as they all should be), but I am having a really hard time with the fleas this year. I put Frontline Plus on both dogs 1.5 wks ago, and at the 1 week mark, they started scratching again, and I found live fleas when I bathed them this past Sunday. I have never had this problem before, I put the Frontline Plus on, spray the house with Adams, and the fleas are GONE. I bought a single dose per dog from the vet, and I checked the expiration date, and both were good.

When can I apply a second Frontline Plus dose - can I do it sooner than 1 month? What happened this time?
Hi. I applied frontline plus to my cat 2-3 weeks ago and he still scratches. I thought this is supposed to get rid of the fleas like magic. Why didn't it work that way for me? I know I applied it correctly. Do you have any idea? I am very confused. Thank you. Mary

I live in FL, and we have not had enough of a freeze this winter to kill the outside flea population. My dogs are inside dogs (as they all should be), but I am having a really hard time with the fleas this year. I put Frontline Plus on both dogs 1.5 wks ago, and at the 1 week mark, they started scratching again, and I found live fleas when I bathed them this past Sunday. I have never had this problem before, I put the Frontline Plus on, spray the house with Adams, and the fleas are GONE. I bought a single dose per dog from the vet, and I checked the expiration date, and both were good.

When can I apply a second Frontline Plus dose - can I do it sooner than 1 month? What happened this time?

Hi. I applied frontline plus to my cat 2-3 weeks ago and he is scratching now. It seemed to work at first- I saw fleas falling off left and right but now he has them again. I thought frontline was supposed to work for 30 days. I just can't understand why it didn't work when with other people it works like magic and gets rid of the fleas forever. Do you have any thoughts as to why this didn't work for me? I am very confused. Then some people told me that just because he has fleas again doesn't mean that frontline isn't working. Thank you. Mary

Re: Frontline Plus

I've lived in South Texas for the last 3 years, never seen fleas at all on my cats till, I came down here. And they're indoor cats, never been outside, the fleas actually jump on your pant legs from the lawn as you walk into your home and then they find their way to the cats. Well, the first year I used Frontline Plus and it worked great, second year, still no flea problem, this year fleas, treated them for 3 months with Frontline Plus and it had no effect at all. I guess the fleas built immunity. Tried Advantage, and within 4 days all fleas were gone, I was amazed. And before this I tried the fogger, sprays, no help at all. Even the Frontline spray didn't work. And, yes I used the vacuum about every 3 days, put the contents in a trash bag, tied it shut, put it in the dumpster, otherwise the fleas would crawl out of the vacuum cleaner back onto the carpet. I'll tell you that have mutant fleas down here in south texas! But I'll stick with Advantage untill that wears out.

Hi All,

I am a rep and don't bash other companies, prefering to sell on the merrit of our products and factual information of both our and other products- it does wonders when everyone knows the truth.

To answer the non- rep questions regarding fleas and applying FLP (whether or not it is a post from a non- FLP rep trying to stir up crap or a real problem).

Lets start at the very beginning. Years ago when fleas were a HUGE problem, vets used to take the time to explain the flea life cycle to their clients as well as sell them hundreds of dollars worth of products to get rid of the infestation. And they would tell the owners to come back in 3 weeks to get another load of products to do the same thing. Today, pet owners think that any and all flea/ tick products should work instantly- this is the world we live in now- instant gratification. It doesn't happen like that, no matter if it is bayer, FD, Summit, Lilly or Merial products. Moving ahead to the flea life cycle.

There are 4 stages of the flea life cycle and owners only think about the adult flea, which makes up only 5 percent of the actual population. Eggs acount for 50%, Larvae 25% and Pupae 10%. Adult fleas can lay 20-50 eggs a day after they have a blood meal, and eggs aren't sticky, so they roll off into the environment. Once they hatch into larvae, flea larvae can travel up to 2 feet, and they HATE light, so travel to places under furniture. Next you have the pupae stage. These suckers are almost impossible to kill outside of a lab. In their cocoon, pupae can lay dormant for 6+ months if there is nothing that triggers them to bloom. Things like CO2 and vibration can instigate them to hatch but if that doesn't happen then they'll lay dormant. This is why you will start seeing a "bloom" after applying FLP because it is killing the adult fleas on the pet, and the IGR in FLP is working on the environment killing the eggs and larvae. What your seeing on the pet with the "new" scratching is the pupae's hatching into new immature fleas and jumping back on the pet. You want your TREATED and I emphasize treated pet (and all pets both dog/ cat need to be treated) to act like a vacuum to suck up all the newly hatching fleas because once they jump on your treated pet, they will come in contact with the FLP adulticide/ IGR. It can take as much as 3 months (which means 3 applications) to kill an infestation because of all the flea stages in the envirnoment and the pupae's hatching out. If you have an infestation, you also have to treat the environment as well as the pets. Just because you may stop seeing fleas doesn't mean you should stop a flea/ tick control because just 2 fleas can start an infestation in an unprotected home.

I hope this answers your questions. I tried to be brief and to the point. If you have any more, please post.

Go fuck yourself you nerd. and tell the local Costco managager hello from Merial.

Hi All,

I am a rep and don't bash other companies, prefering to sell on the merrit of our products and factual information of both our and other products- it does wonders when everyone knows the truth.

To answer the non- rep questions regarding fleas and applying FLP (whether or not it is a post from a non- FLP rep trying to stir up crap or a real problem).

Lets start at the very beginning. Years ago when fleas were a HUGE problem, vets used to take the time to explain the flea life cycle to their clients as well as sell them hundreds of dollars worth of products to get rid of the infestation. And they would tell the owners to come back in 3 weeks to get another load of products to do the same thing. Today, pet owners think that any and all flea/ tick products should work instantly- this is the world we live in now- instant gratification. It doesn't happen like that, no matter if it is bayer, FD, Summit, Lilly or Merial products. Moving ahead to the flea life cycle.

There are 4 stages of the flea life cycle and owners only think about the adult flea, which makes up only 5 percent of the actual population. Eggs acount for 50%, Larvae 25% and Pupae 10%. Adult fleas can lay 20-50 eggs a day after they have a blood meal, and eggs aren't sticky, so they roll off into the environment. Once they hatch into larvae, flea larvae can travel up to 2 feet, and they HATE light, so travel to places under furniture. Next you have the pupae stage. These suckers are almost impossible to kill outside of a lab. In their cocoon, pupae can lay dormant for 6+ months if there is nothing that triggers them to bloom. Things like CO2 and vibration can instigate them to hatch but if that doesn't happen then they'll lay dormant. This is why you will start seeing a "bloom" after applying FLP because it is killing the adult fleas on the pet, and the IGR in FLP is working on the environment killing the eggs and larvae. What your seeing on the pet with the "new" scratching is the pupae's hatching into new immature fleas and jumping back on the pet. You want your TREATED and I emphasize treated pet (and all pets both dog/ cat need to be treated) to act like a vacuum to suck up all the newly hatching fleas because once they jump on your treated pet, they will come in contact with the FLP adulticide/ IGR. It can take as much as 3 months (which means 3 applications) to kill an infestation because of all the flea stages in the envirnoment and the pupae's hatching out. If you have an infestation, you also have to treat the environment as well as the pets. Just because you may stop seeing fleas doesn't mean you should stop a flea/ tick control because just 2 fleas can start an infestation in an unprotected home.

I hope this answers your questions. I tried to be brief and to the point. If you have any more, please post.

Well, biggest problem is you used FLP for a flea problem. Use Advantage, your dogs are not at risk for ticks and give it a full 6 months and you will be happy and not have fleas.

Our dogs are not at risk for ticks in Florida? Says who? We have ticks on the wild barn dog, our horses, and ourselves if we are not careful. We ABSOLUTELY need protection from ticks.
Please don't shoot, I am unarmed, and NOT a rep, just someone trying to research why FrontLine and 3 other products didn't kills the fleas as advertised on our 3 indoor dogs. And yes we had the house professionally treated twice at $150 a pop, and the yard, too before we treated the dogs. WOW, this can be a hostile environment!

Well, biggest problem is you used FLP for a flea problem. Use Advantage, your dogs are not at risk for ticks and give it a full 6 months and you will be happy and not have fleas.

My dogs won't have any hair or skin left in 6 months. I am not expecting "instant gratification" but I don't want to watch them suffering so miserably for 6 more months. It's torture for all involved. What, if anything, works in Florida on fleas (all stages) and ticks?

Your issue isn't that you put on FLP, it's that you have a pre-existing infestation (dormant stages not on your pets) that needs to take time (ie hatch) in order to die. Continue using Frontline Plus every 30 days. The situation will clear once the life cycle completes.

I am not a rep...just a dog & cat owner.

I've used FrontlinePlus for ~4 years with no fleas or ticks (hunting dog). My vet switched to Vectra 3D about 2 years ago (still no problem with fleas or ticks or heartworm). My cats wouldn't get near my dog - so the "Vectra 3D cat worry" really isn't a concern for us.

I am trying to cut vet costs overall for my household. Yipes $640 bill recently. So, I've found a decent (US-based site to buy vaccinations and give them myself ~save Rabies...because it's regulated by my state [NC]). It's - can anyone "vouch" for them? I actually had a real vet call me back to answer questions the same day I requested - so that was good.

Anyway...back to FrontlinePlus vs. Vectra 3D: I am looking for the best (cheapest and safe) place to purchase online and I am also looking for the price difference (exactly)? I've seen that Vectra 3D is both more expensive and less expensive??

If it's simply the same amount (or close) I pay from purchasing from the vet, I would probably just stick to that routine. Last bill: Vectra 3D (56-95 lbs) 6 month supply $98.15.

I would also need Interceptor (6pk 51-100 lbs for $50.15) or Sentinel AND Revolution for the cats (6pk 5-15 lbs at $92).

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.