More bullshit and SC talking her way around an answer instead of actually answering the question. I'm sure we will hear more "success" stories from the 3 reps in the company who are getting some scripts.

Meanwhile, while they "are looking into it", reps keep quitting left and right. This has got to be part of their master plan, or they are all just a bunch of idiots.

My guess is they have finally realized that their forecast was outlandish and have had others relook at those goals. They will probably discuss lowering those goals and possibly have some type of contest that will provide more "carrot" and less stick. We can only hope for the best.

The Exalgo question was not so bad. We had heard 5/19 and Stacy was saying 5/16 for the RX cut off date. It was surprising to come from a manager but sometimes you ask questions for others in the meeting.

It was the best call we have had. That last one had technical problems and most importantly was that it had no content worth anything to the field.

This one was very good. The highlites of the Q4 XXR Bonus plan, sounds very good and fair, go get the prescribers! We can guess the RX's will follow. It was a different approach and I like it!

The charcoal drug disposal pouch is nice and will be welcome by some of our doctors.

AND the $1500 XXR payout to ALL is a big winner and appreciated. We didn't have to do that. It seems to recognize that the expectations and direction were off base.

Stacy did a very nice job. She is getting better. Not great but better. It is good to see.

Yes, thanks, AB! I don't think we really got an answer, though, did we? I also wanted to know what the nads, cams, rads, ??? are doing to get XXR on formularies.

Using the MAP tool and already knowing that Med D won't happen until 2015 does not answer your question.

I thought Stacy did a great job showing patience ! Thank God we have new tactics. Totally think it is completely unfair to be hard on SC. I think she is awesome, fearless, smart, and dynamic. Just what we need.