Former RD's/DM's: where are they now?


Heard via rep grapeline that some RDs/DMs that were laid off have landed jobs - they all seem to be in the category of "some small biotech - don't know the name"

So - if you have more specific info - please post it here with initals/area of country

would love to follow these guys/gals careers post S/P.

Really, who cares.

The RD and BMs who took their place may think they are so important now but if history repeats they too will be laid off as well and likely in the next 5-10 years.

Getting rid of higher salary employees before retirement is what Merck does best to make sure they make those quarterly dividends for the street and have enough money to pay for the next merger for more pipeline products.

there was a manager that left merck to spend more time with her family. Funny thing was that after she left, everyone including the managers were saying that she was fired for going home early and not working.

Too bad there are so many racist managers. I know a few that got rid of so many black people. You would think they would learn by now. Merck is primarily white. Merck is not diversified enough.

He got an master's award this year!!!

The fix was in for that megalomaniac of a sweaty douche bag. First of all Primary Vaccine Sales is a joke. They don't sell anything. The get credit for Pediatric doses of GARDASIL, PNEUMOVAX 23 has been on the market forever without any competition, ZOSTAVAX is always on back order and Merck already priced AFLURIA out of competing with the flu vaccines. USHH corporate welfare at it's finest!

The fix was in for that megalomaniac of a sweaty douche bag. First of all Primary Vaccine Sales is a joke. They don't sell anything. The get credit for Pediatric doses of GARDASIL, PNEUMOVAX 23 has been on the market forever without any competition, ZOSTAVAX is always on back order and Merck already priced AFLURIA out of competing with the flu vaccines. USHH corporate welfare at it's finest!

He always thinks he's right and better than anyone he comes in contact with. Yet another spineless tool willing to slit anyone's throat to get to the top that Mother Merck loves to hire.