former pfizer rep won't return $411,000 in severance!!


She's an idiot. And a greedy one at that. Pfizer will win, but not collect.

They sent her a letter 60 days after the mistake. She ignored repeated attempts to contact her. Very unethical. What a gross person she is.

She was not a rep. She was a VP. Keep the money and exert executive privilege. If Pfizer wins, launch a whistleblower lawsuit and start talking...lay on the inside dirt.

Pfizer is in itself an organization of unjust enrichment. Has its counsel not read the US Justice Department's Corporate Integrity Agreement? What Pfizer does is a criminal act of malfeasance.

She's an idiot. And a greedy one at that. Pfizer will win, but not collect.

They sent her a letter 60 days after the mistake. She ignored repeated attempts to contact her. Very unethical. What a gross person she is.

I suppose Pfizer is not unethical though. For sure the gross incompetence to send her that incorrect amount of severence they should at least be forced to pay to contest the return of the incorrect amount. Karma to them for all the people they have thrown away for the years of irresponisble mgmt. in running a pharma co.

She's an idiot. And a greedy one at that. Pfizer will win, but not collect.

They sent her a letter 60 days after the mistake. She ignored repeated attempts to contact her. Very unethical. What a gross person she is.

AS IF.....Pfizer isn't one of the most unethical and greedy company on this planet !!!!
They deserve this type of response every time !!!!

2 wrongs don't make a right.

She'll spend $50k on her scumbag attorney alone and still have to return most of it.

plus, what other company will hire her after this career limiting move? Besides the Democrat national party and the obama re-election campaign, who else would hire such a slimy person?

I find it difficult to believe the anal-retentive bean counters at Pfizer somehow miscalculated her check and are suddenly trying to get the money back after such a long period of time. Not to mention, the release of the information and the subsequent public relations problems hardly bolster their case.

When I received my severance package and check, it took them six weeks to get around to sending me a physical check. I took it to the bank the same day and put it in a separate account until six weeks later after the "stop payment" period had ended according to my banker. When I called HR to verify the amount of the check and to make sure all of the paperwork was done, I was told that all of this is done very carefully and the company accounts for every nickel.

Yeah, mistakes do happen. In this case, if Pfizer wants their money back she can keep them tied up in court for years with appeals and keep the HR losers busy with depositions and subpoenas until their patience wears out.

Sorry....I side with the employee on this one. Pfizer made an accounting mistake and too BAD! For being a loyal employee since 1993, I think, she deserves this severance since they are the ones who nulled her employment contract.

sounds like data Integrity was calculating the severance check, just like how they we absolutely positive that they had credited me with allt he sales in my territory!

so funny how a fortune 100 company could make such a mistake!