Forest to takeover Pfizer


That's right, not financially, but literally they will. Actavis just purchased Forest this year, but Forest took over Actavis. Forest management and reps were kept in favor of Actavis legacy reps and management. The Forest CEO is running the show and so on down, the Actavis/Forest acquisition became the "Forest dog-and-pony" show. I wanted to break the news to you all at Pfizer, this will happen to you to if you allow your leadership to purchase Actavis.

Pfizer management and reps should be worried because it will be Forest legacy running the show for all companies.


That's right, not financially, but literally they will. Actavis just purchased Forest this year, but Forest took over Actavis. Forest management and reps were kept in favor of Actavis legacy reps and management. The Forest CEO is running the show and so on down, the Actavis/Forest acquisition became the "Forest dog-and-pony" show. I wanted to break the news to you all at Pfizer, this will happen to you to if you allow your leadership to purchase Actavis.

Pfizer management and reps should be worried because it will be Forest legacy running the show for all companies.

Please, do you not know anything about your CEO Brent Saunders history? If Pfizer does purchase Actavis, Brent will take his golden parachute and jump. He will have successfully turned over two M&A deals in less than a year. After he makes his millions again, he will then ride off into the sunset like the B&L deal.

Please, do you not know anything about your CEO Brent Saunders history? If Pfizer does purchase Actavis, Brent will take his golden parachute and jump. He will have successfully turned over two M&A deals in less than a year. After he makes his millions again, he will then ride off into the sunset like the B&L deal.

Very wise said the owl.

Brent has flipped both Forest and Actavis. Pfizer is different. All Brent cares about is this M&A game. If he is successful selling Actavis to Pfizer, that's the end of the road. He will have created the last true superpower in a dying industry. Even if he took some power position with Pfizer, who is he going to sell it to, God?

Nope. He will re-emerge on the board of some other mid sized company in some similar industry where Carl Ichan puts him. Just like he showed up on Forest's doorstep a few years back.

Please, do you not know anything about your CEO Brent Saunders history? If Pfizer does purchase Actavis, Brent will take his golden parachute and jump. He will have successfully turned over two M&A deals in less than a year. After he makes his millions again, he will then ride off into the sunset like the B&L deal.

Don't forget about Brent's other two deals at the beginning of this year: Aptalis and Furiex

Pfizer will hand over its top brands to the elite FSR1 sales team from Forest. They are the elites in pharma and can sale to any specialty. I would be worried if I were in specialty at Pfizer, because the elite FSR1 team is known for their superiority at Forest and Actavis.

"motel six" whatever you think of FRX reps, we are survivors! Yes, that's right, just like the Cockroaches that won't go away. Yeah, maybe we were trained at Motel SIX but, look at the end result. FRX does not go away...Bring it on Pfizer, we motel reps
Will show you what it means to survive DARWINISM! Let's see
Who ends up on top

Getting closer to this being a reality, now the Allergan deal is complete. Pfizer soon will merge with us for the biggest merger in pharma history. Hope you like green jackets for p club winners, changes are coming soon.

Very wise said the owl.

Brent has flipped both Forest and Actavis. Pfizer is different. All Brent cares about is this M&A game. If he is successful selling Actavis to Pfizer, that's the end of the road. He will have created the last true superpower in a dying industry. Even if he took some power position with Pfizer, who is he going to sell it to, God?

Nope. He will re-emerge on the board of some other mid sized company in some similar industry where Carl Ichan puts him. Just like he showed up on Forest's doorstep a few years back.

Brent Saunders is a flipper. Just like a real estate flipper that would flip houses a few years ago when the real estate market was hot.

So...he flipped Bausch and Lomb and sold B and L to Valeant.

He was then hired by Forest. He stated in a national meeting that "Forest is not for sale".

A month later, he announced that Forest was being sold to Actavis.

He and Paul Bisaro (at that time, CEO of Actavis) worked out a deal that Brent would run Actavis.

So Brent flipped Forest to Actavis.

So if Pfizer buys Actavis, either Brent would get the big, big, big golden parachute and leave the company.

Or Brent would convince Ian Reed to let Brent run Forest.

Which scenario would happen? That is up to Ian Reed and the leadership of Big Blue Pfizer.

Very wise said the owl.

Brent has flipped both Forest and Actavis. Pfizer is different. All Brent cares about is this M&A game. If he is successful selling Actavis to Pfizer, that's the end of the road. He will have created the last true superpower in a dying industry. Even if he took some power position with Pfizer, who is he going to sell it to, God?

Nope. He will re-emerge on the board of some other mid sized company in some similar industry where Carl Ichan puts him. Just like he showed up on Forest's doorstep a few years back.

Brent has flipped Bausch and Lomb and he has flipped Forest.

He will most likely flip Actavis judging by his past experience flipping B and L and Forest.

So if he flips Actavis to.......Pfizer.....will Brent expect to run Pfizer like Brent is running Actavis now?

Or will Ian Reed and his buddies give Brent a fat big golden parachute?

That's right, not financially, but literally they will. Actavis just purchased Forest this year, but Forest took over Actavis. Forest management and reps were kept in favor of Actavis legacy reps and management. The Forest CEO is running the show and so on down, the Actavis/Forest acquisition became the "Forest dog-and-pony" show. I wanted to break the news to you all at Pfizer, this will happen to you to if you allow your leadership to purchase Actavis.

Pfizer management and reps should be worried because it will be Forest legacy running the show for all companies.

Well, that is really up to Ian Reed and the board to decide.........

No matter what Brent does, the Forest Leadership team stays in place and thousands of roles are lost. Doesn't matter if his company buys or gets bought, the CEO of the other company gets paid a shit ton of money and leaves, while the execs all the way down to the reps get gutted. And trust me, you don't want to work for Forest leadership.

Pfizer will hand over its top brands to the elite FSR1 sales team from Forest. They are the elites in pharma and can sale to any specialty. I would be worried if I were in specialty at Pfizer, because the elite FSR1 team is known for their superiority at Forest and Actavis.

There was once a time Pfizer had an "elite" sales division; they were nown as Roerig and then Powers. Unfortunately M&A's watered down Pfizer as they lost their identity by embracing those whom they merged with/absorbed. The rest has been a consistent downward slide to mediocrity, loss of purpose, pride, and respect.

There was once a time Pfizer had an "elite" sales division; they were known as Roerig and then Powers. Unfortunately M&A's watered down Pfizer as they lost their identity by embracing those whom they merged with/absorbed. The rest has been a consistent downward slide to mediocrity, loss of purpose, pride, and respect.

There was once a time Pfizer had an "elite" sales division; they were known as Roerig and then Powers. Unfortunately M&A's watered down Pfizer as they lost their identity by embracing those whom they merged with/absorbed. The rest has been a consistent downward slide to mediocrity, loss of purpose, pride, and respect.

That's right, not financially, but literally they will. Actavis just purchased Forest this year, but Forest took over Actavis. Forest management and reps were kept in favor of Actavis legacy reps and management. The Forest CEO is running the show and so on down, the Actavis/Forest acquisition became the "Forest dog-and-pony" show. I wanted to break the news to you all at Pfizer, this will happen to you to if you allow your leadership to purchase Actavis.

Pfizer management and reps should be worried because it will be Forest legacy running the show for all companies.
Only a matter of time and Forest will be running the show

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