Forest Interview

it's been months and the milwaukee position is still open, recruiters have been calling me and calling me asking for people i know to fill this position...why is it taking soooo long??

it's been months and the milwaukee position is still open, recruiters have been calling me and calling me asking for people i know to fill this position...why is it taking soooo long??
They are still trying to see who will take the lowest offer! To quote a recruiter, "the base offer is $50000.00 and is not negotiable"! That was with 5 years exp. and 2 trips won.

lol i know that is what they or HE told me, called me on saturday morning wanting to know it i was still interested...(even though i was interviewed and they said they were 'looking for someone without pharma') i've got 3 years...why even bother to interview me...oh well, just humorous....landed a new gig making much more than 50k

Have you ever interviewed with a pharm company? It is real basic you got a bunch of situational questions. Name a time etc... you will also have to do a selling situation and you better be on! The interview is real laid back. You will have to sell a fake migraine product and it is alot of information to take in at once. You will suck the first time then they will give you a bunch of advise and ask you to do it again so make sure you use their advise. They want to see if you are coachable. Forest is real good about leading people on and making them think they got the job so be careful. The managers will also make you think you will make a killing trust me it is not there. I was in the top of the sales force and my bonus sucked. I have been with them for two years and we got some great products so good luck!

What is average bonus per year if you are successful? thanks

Forest is the only pharm co. that I ever see advertise openings in the career section of the sunday newspaper. I'm just not sure what to think of that??
Guess it speaks to the quality of this "marketing company"

Listen to this, I was a cardiothoracic ICU nurse w/ 4 years experience, I interviewed w/ Forest in Long Island. These 2 jerk offs passed on me and then I signed w/ Abbott 1 week later and became the #1 rep in the North East. Don't worry Forest would pass on .......Wait I would worry, b/c the Forest can't tell their ASS FROM THEIR ELBOW...............

100% agreement here... only... it was I who passed on Forest- thanks to the heads up from the majority of posts on this site! Just received a superior offer with a better company that doesn't require daily bagel receipts by 7:30 a.m. Instead, they just let us SELL!
Later schmucks