Forest Interview


I wanted to see what advice anyone could give me for my upcoming interview with Forest later this week.

Also, does forest have certain cars they offer to choose from or do they give you a car allowance?


Have you ever interviewed with a pharm company? It is real basic you got a bunch of situational questions. Name a time etc... you will also have to do a selling situation and you better be on! The interview is real laid back. You will have to sell a fake migraine product and it is alot of information to take in at once. You will suck the first time then they will give you a bunch of advise and ask you to do it again so make sure you use their advise. They want to see if you are coachable. Forest is real good about leading people on and making them think they got the job so be careful. The managers will also make you think you will make a killing trust me it is not there. I was in the top of the sales force and my bonus sucked. I have been with them for two years and we got some great products so good luck!

Why do you want to work for a ROBOTIC company. The reps are snotty and rude and stressed!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sales is stressful by nature. If you arem't stressed in a pharma job then you're not doing your job. Corp culture is much different than the direct interaction with you DM. He/she will make or break you.

If you like the DMs you interview with, and also get the opportunity to meet some of your counterparts and like them, then you'll be fine. Very few people realize the great majority of pharma jobs are the same. The offices are the same, the restrictions are just as tough, managed care is always a challenge to someone, expenses must be done, inventory taken, POA meetings, dinner programs, etc.

If you have prior pharma then you should have a good feel from the interview. Good luck.