Forecasting the END

Looks like a few more left this week

Troy left , too many yes men and weaklings at galderma for him . Home office doesn't have a pair between them all . Hey people the International CEO is 5 foot what ? VP of sales isn't much bigger ......small men large ego .......small ( ? ) syndrome

10+ DSR s gone by mid April .

The current VP of sales is very weak never had much success at any position, he was simply opportunistic and calculating. No real success as a rep, DM, Marketer, and only had success as National when we had good leadership directly over him. Do you want proof? For the first time in the 30 year history our Company IMS sales went down in 2013 and in a year in which we launched a new product. That was his first full year at the helm. They guy jumped on others coattails and then when it made sense for him and others to throw people under the bus to enhance his career he did it. What a tool playing golf with people at the Mirvaso launch meeting knowing full well we had to have massive layoffs. The future wont get better with this guy. it is going to continue to go down hill. Humberto is a political tool as well without any vision. This will not get better in 2014 or 2015 assuming we are still around in our present form. We need the kind of sales leadership we used to have not a lot of political corporate hacks. But those type of people are outspoken and obviously not welcome in this current silly culture here.

Yes men continue to get rewarded even when we are going down hill. Cannot wait until the upcoming POA to see what current management book this little guy recently is stealing ideas from.

I heard a Theracutix rep in the Midwest also just quit. Strange times all around. We'll see what they can pull together. A few more bad months of Commission and a lot more start looking.

Network with current and former employees. Many of which are already moving to or back at growing derm companies. These companies have or soon will be launching products for psoriasis and acne. They can get you inside information on contacts and companies hiring and or at least good recruiters in the industry. Don't wait either I can tell you now we will not hit forecasts and they are running way behind their profit targets so kiss the hope of really making decent and consistent bonuses here goodbye. This place is dieing most of us have figured it out and are either leaving or soon have plan to leave. Tired of the crap and the weird management and culture here.

The current and former employees are your best bet. I know many of whom are more then happy to help out when they can.

Hope that helps.

I heard a Theracutix rep in the Midwest also just quit. Strange times all around. We'll see what they can pull together. A few more bad months of Commission and a lot more start looking.

Spoke to a good friend still there who has been ABUSED by this company. Sounds like "management" STILL haven't fixed the oracea quotas. I don't miss it. Sad to see families getting screwed by incompetence.

This place is going down hill so fast it is becoming comical . Very week sales and Marketing leadership. Cannot wait to see the BS at the next meeting. Now the entire organization is between a rock a hard spot. They need to hit these ridiculously high quotas to get close to their profit goal. So the sales goals are demotivating to the sales team, the Marketing teams simply point fingers at the reps and management throws out a bunch of silly management book quotes at us.

Now the better reps will leave and the smarter reps will see that this place no longer cares about the current employees and we are all probably one step away from sweating through another downsizing, or simply being sold and then dealing with an inevitable layoff. The downward spiral will continue until we have another reorganization but this time it needs to be with the people in FT Worth.

Good time to get out, I expect an offer this week. This place has no pipeline, no current plan to grow and no future. However, great people here. It has been very sad to see some great people in the field and in sales leadership get the boot out of here over the last two years. I know many of them are much happier now that they left this place and I for one am happy to be joining them.

Good bye and good luck to those who remain. It was great for a time and now that time has past.

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