Forced to travel on Sunday


Just curious what other peoples thoughts are about a company that forces their reps to travel on a Sunday to a National Sales Meeting in Washington DC that begins on Monday at 8am EST.


OMG. On average how many hours does a rep work in the field per week? Be honest. 25? Traveling on Sunday is the least you could do for the money you make. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. ;)

OP, I hate to be rude, but grow up.
I think it absolutely stinks that they are having you do this, but be many times do you slack off during the week? And you know what? you are stealing from the company when you give out work that is less than your best effort.

Awww .... heck, I used to remember we traveled to our NSM on Super Bowl Sunday ... the company would have a big ol' SB party in the hotel ballroom, with food, drink (usually lots of same), and all sorts of football stuff ... even game programs.

But that was back in the 80s and early 90s.

The company I now work for (non pharma) has a cash bar at sales meetings ... which may be the norm in the "real world."

Quite frankly if you practice the Christian faith it is hostile to your religion. I had a manager that refused to travel on Sunday and they didn't (couldn't) do sh!t about it.

As far as telling someone to "grow up" is pretty immature in the first place. Bottom line is Sunday travel is insensitive and hostile work environment.

Quite frankly if you practice the Christian faith it is hostile to your religion. I had a manager that refused to travel on Sunday and they didn't (couldn't) do sh!t about it.

As far as telling someone to "grow up" is pretty immature in the first place. Bottom line is Sunday travel is insensitive and hostile work environment.

To sum it up:

*You are overpaid for what you do.

*Ask the truck driver or nurse who works Sundays for 50 grand a year to help you live your life. Or a soldier. Or a cop. I mean...come on.

*You don't know the definition of a "hostile work environment."

*You can still practice your faith and travel on Sunday. The overwhelming majority of Christians are not Orthodox.

*When I travel on Sunday (a few times a year, if that), I still get to have lunch with my family and get to the hotel around 8. I can eat a nice dinner and a glass of Pinot and stay in nice accommodations. All on someone else's dime.

Bottomline, be grateful you make the money you do and the perks you get and stop trying to get around work with excuses. Or quit. There are hundred of people in your area capable of doing the job you do and would love an opportunity.

Suck it up. I can't even believe your post is real.

You people are the same ones that complain if you work after 5 PM once in a blue moon.

And no, I am not a pharma DM. I have issues with pharma DMs like all of you do.

There's nothing that stops you from practicing your religion on your Sunday travel day. Can't you pray during your free plane ride? If your priest or Rabbi says that you can't travel will your church cover you financially in case you get fired for refusing to show up to a mandatory company event? Pay your mortgage? Your car payments? Your kid's tuition? Good luck with that! Religion is famous for telling us how to live. But when the rules of religion conflict with day to day life and gets us in big trouble do you think your church will throw you a lifeline??? Hell would freeze over first!!!

There's nothing that stops you from practicing your religion on your Sunday travel day. Can't you pray during your free plane ride? If your priest or Rabbi says that you can't travel will your church cover you financially in case you get fired for refusing to show up to a mandatory company event? Pay your mortgage? Your car payments? Your kid's tuition? Good luck with that! Religion is famous for telling us how to live. But when the rules of religion conflict with day to day life and gets us in big trouble do you think your church will throw you a lifeline??? Hell would freeze over first!!!

I called a buddy of mine who is studying to be a minister about this thread. His father was one. He laughed pretty hard about not traveling on Sunday.

He said "If I can work on Sunday, so can you."

I called a buddy of mine who is studying to be a minister about this thread. His father was one. He laughed pretty hard about not traveling on Sunday.

He said "If I can work on Sunday, so can you."

As far as clerics go, your buddy sounds like one of the better ones. Give him a thumbs up for me.

All I know is that if I had to choose between going to church and feeding my family, my family would win every single time.

I go to church mainly to make my wife happy. Otherwise I'd stay home and watch the games. The best way to please your maker is to be a genuinely good person and treat others like you would like to be treated. Just stick to the basics and you'll do just fine. However, if you feel compelled to thump the bible - good for you. No decent person would hold that against you. Just don't put it ahead of your family.

... I'd stay home and watch the games.... Just don't put it ahead of your family.

What kind of church to you go to? I don't know of any games that start before 1pm == and I don't know of any church that's still singing and preaching past 12 or 12:15....even Southern Baptist ministers know when to shut up....

As for putting the bible before family? I sure don't want to be standing next to you on judgement day....:rolleyes:

What kind of church to you go to? I don't know of any games that start before 1pm == and I don't know of any church that's still singing and preaching past 12 or 12:15....even Southern Baptist ministers know when to shut up....

As for putting the bible before family? I sure don't want to be standing next to you on judgement day....:rolleyes:

I go to the Church of Fair Play. Try it sometime. You might like it.

Go back and read the actual comment. Family came before the Bible. I'll do just fine on judgement day. Like I said....I live by the rule of 'fair play'. ;)