Forced resignation - Question

That's easy to track as fraudulant and refect poorly upon you. They will most likely google your references' name..and find nothing-questionable at best, then why hire an unethical liar? Naw, pass.

I used a fake reference once.

And it easier than ever today because a lot of reference checks are done via online form. You could set up 5 fake email addresses and write your own references if you want to.

It seems like we live in a culture of liars today. Everybody lies. No one can be trusted. It wasn't like this back when I was a young man. This society has really disintegrated. My advice to the OP is not to lie. Tell the truth. Be honest. You'll find a prospective employer who'll respect your honesty and hire you. Most importantly, you'll feel good about yourself. Everytime you lie you damage your self-esteem. Don't be like all the rest. Tell the truth.

It seems like we live in a culture of liars today. Everybody lies. No one can be trusted. It wasn't like this back when I was a young man. This society has really disintegrated. My advice to the OP is not to lie. Tell the truth. Be honest. You'll find a prospective employer who'll respect your honesty and hire you. Most importantly, you'll feel good about yourself. Everytime you lie you damage your self-esteem. Don't be like all the rest. Tell the truth.

Of course, its not good to lie.

But, there is a big difference between lying and with holding information.

If you were to tell a potential employer EVERYTHING in your past, nobody would get can't be naïve in this world.

Let me ask you this, have you ever left the field early? Of course you have! Anyone, with any reasonable sales experience has left the field early, even the top performers. Now, if you are asking this in an interview, what are you going to say?

Of course, its not good to lie.

But, there is a big difference between lying and with holding information.

If you were to tell a potential employer EVERYTHING in your past, nobody would get can't be naïve in this world.

Let me ask you this, have you ever left the field early? Of course you have! Anyone, with any reasonable sales experience has left the field early, even the top performers. Now, if you are asking this in an interview, what are you going to say?

If I were hiring reps and I asked that question and the applicant with solid sales experience told me that he never left the field early I'd end the interview and tell him he's not qualified to work for my company. If I were being interviewed and that question was asked of me I would respond "You bet I did. Sometimes I went home to catch up on some paperwork or to complete a project for a sales meeting and on a few occasions I rewarded myself for having a great day in the field and just enjoyed myself. My sales awards and achievements speak for themselves. I chose sales as a career to manage my own time."

There. Easy. See what I mean? Lying always leaves a trail. And once a liar, always a liar.

That's easy to track as fraudulant and refect poorly upon you. They will most likely google your references' name..and find nothing-questionable at best, then why hire an unethical liar? Naw, pass.

BFD -- pharma is unethical if you really want to think about it. And Google a name won't mean diddly. Hell, I can Google my former managers, and they don't even show up unless they're on FB. Even Spokeo doesn't give employment information.

Do not worry. I personally know several reps and a manager that were fired from my company for expense report discrepancies. All these people got other Pharma jobs within months.

BFD -- pharma is unethical if you really want to think about it. And Google a name won't mean diddly. Hell, I can Google my former managers, and they don't even show up unless they're on FB. Even Spokeo doesn't give employment information.

Yeah, go ahead and lie and feel good about it. Teach your children to lie too. Teach them to look you right in the eye and lie to your face without even cracking a grin. Lie, lie, lie. It's makes us a stronger society and nation.

You people are really sick. What a sick nation we've become.

That's easy to track as fraudulant and refect poorly upon you. They will most likely google your references' name..and find nothing-questionable at best, then why hire an unethical liar? Naw, pass.

I'm not saying to use a completely fake reference. But, you could use one that would exhaggerate a bit on your behalf. And I am not saying you should create 5 fake references, but why not choose carefully and coach your references? Ethics are a personal choice.