Forced resignation - Question


Got a question.

Currently interviewing for a CNS position coming from a company that I have been working for for over 12 years. Years ago, I was forced to resign with a company (big pharma) because of using stock bottles of medicine to get access to doctors. This happened back in 2001. I think on my record it says that I resigned but I was FORCED to resign due to policy violations. It was stupid and many reps did it back in the day. I just got caught. Anyway, should I be worried that this might come out?

Im on my second face to face interview and I'm sure they will do a background check but I don't know how far back they will go. This happened almost 14 years ago ! What if anything can that company say about my resignation if asked by this new hiring company? I didn't lie per se to them. I just told them I simply resigned which is the truth but will this come back to bite me in the ass? By law, what can a company say about forcing a rep to resign to another company that asks or conducts a background check?

Thanks for your help !


If they didn't get negative feedback when they hired you the first time, why are you so concerned they will have a problem now? After 12 years, all you probably are at the previous company is a name , number and that you resigned.....

If they didn't get negative feedback when they hired you the first time, why are you so concerned they will have a problem now? After 12 years, all you probably are at the previous company is a name , number and that you resigned.....

Good point but I was just curious what might be said or legally what a company can see even if they forced you to resign. It shouldn't be a problem, though, you're right...Happened so long ago.

All they can find out is hire date, termination date. If you resigned, then (if your company had the website for this) all it will show is that you resigned.

On the flip side, if you mention a DM's name, and the interviewer just happens to know the DM, then all bets are off....because "off the record" conversations are had all the time. Pharma is small enough that DM's know each other, mainly because they've been job hopping...or they will know someone with the previous company.

But I wouldn't even worry about it. If the interviewing company finds out about your real reason for resigning, they're not going to tell you.

All they can find out is hire date, termination date. If you resigned, then (if your company had the website for this) all it will show is that you resigned.

On the flip side, if you mention a DM's name, and the interviewer just happens to know the DM, then all bets are off....because "off the record" conversations are had all the time. Pharma is small enough that DM's know each other, mainly because they've been job hopping...or they will know someone with the previous company.

But I wouldn't even worry about it. If the interviewing company finds out about your real reason for resigning, they're not going to tell you.

Cool...Puts my mind at ease. Obviously the current I have worked for for over 12 years didn't have a problem hiring me but perhaps they didn't really check into it as thoroughly as the one I am currently interviewing with but the hiring manger does not know the manager that basically reported me for policy violations, so I should be good there.

True about former bosses. Left a company primarily due to a psycho boss and pay issues. Three years later, my new boss met the asshole at a medical meeting of some sort and my name came up. The former boss told the guy I was working for "Yep, he was a great salesman, too bad I had to let him go." I confronted him with this as it put me in a very bad light, looking like I lied about leaving vs fired. He crawdadded and tried to make be believe my new boss misunderstood---claimed he said "Too bad I let him go" and that he should have raised my base pay to keep me. Sorry bastard.

True about former bosses. Left a company primarily due to a psycho boss and pay issues. Three years later, my new boss met the asshole at a medical meeting of some sort and my name came up. The former boss told the guy I was working for "Yep, he was a great salesman, too bad I had to let him go." I confronted him with this as it put me in a very bad light, looking like I lied about leaving vs fired. He crawdadded and tried to make be believe my new boss misunderstood---claimed he said "Too bad I let him go" and that he should have raised my base pay to keep me. Sorry bastard.

ugh ! That totally sucks..

Cool...Puts my mind at ease. Obviously the current I have worked for for over 12 years didn't have a problem hiring me but perhaps they didn't really check into it as thoroughly as the one I am currently interviewing with but the hiring manger does not know the manager that basically reported me for policy violations, so I should be good there.

You should hope the hiring manager doesn't meet ANYBODY from the company that has the "secret". If it's ever brought up, DENY, DENY, DENY

They get rid of reps for policy reasons all the time in the name of
violations. "The company uses stock bottles, then tells reps to leverage for access. We do. Some get fired, others don't and on and on and on."

Explain the company eliminated your position, due to the expansion.

You aren't alone. My manager told me a company speaker wasn't used because his volume was low. I told the Doctor what my manager said, I got let go, not the manager-policy violation. That was interesting watch the manager let me go in front of her boss, sweating, hoping I didn't retaliate. I was upset/offended but so tired of the Pharma game that I was glad to finally be released from the hypocrisy.

If you really read your compliance papers, you will see that you signed a formed to promise NOT to ask for prescriptions. So, yeh, you can get fired for doing your job..cause you better get those numbers and ask for the business! If you are a producer, you are pretty darn creative and awesome to do your job in spite of the set up. Never let them forget.

Go get your job. I've had former coworkers pursue me for territory positions KNOWING the situation. It's all how you build your story, keep it positive, keep it an opportunity and show your growth and management of the situation. A termination is NOT a death sentence.There's a lot of life afterwards and courage.


They get rid of reps for policy reasons all the time in the name of
violations. "The company uses stock bottles, then tells reps to leverage for access. We do. Some get fired, others don't and on and on and on."

Explain the company eliminated your position, due to the expansion.

You aren't alone. My manager told me a company speaker wasn't used because his volume was low. I told the Doctor what my manager said, I got let go, not the manager-policy violation. That was interesting watch the manager let me go in front of her boss, sweating, hoping I didn't retaliate. I was upset/offended but so tired of the Pharma game that I was glad to finally be released from the hypocrisy.

If you really read your compliance papers, you will see that you signed a formed to promise NOT to ask for prescriptions. So, yeh, you can get fired for doing your job..cause you better get those numbers and ask for the business! If you are a producer, you are pretty darn creative and awesome to do your job in spite of the set up. Never let them forget.

Go get your job. I've had former coworkers pursue me for territory positions KNOWING the situation. It's all how you build your story, keep it positive, keep it an opportunity and show your growth and management of the situation. A termination is NOT a death sentence.There's a lot of life afterwards and courage.


Heres a questions for your guys...I found out the manager that I worked with YEARS ago for the same company that forced me to resign is with the HIRING COMPANY that I am interviewing with. he was my boss back in 2001 and I did VERY well under him as my manager. I was the stupid manager after him that reported me and ended my career.

here's my question. Would you call him and ask him for help since he works for the same company you are interviewing for (especially since you had a great working relationship together). Maybe ask him to reach out to the hiring manager ? I don't know...Could be risky. He is in the Oncology division and my hiring manager is in the CNS division. They may not even know each other but perhaps. Would you ask him to put in a good word for you or just wait and see what you can do on your own? Interesting predicament I am in right now...Not sure what to do but I want the job pretty bad.

It's been over 18 years since I have even talked to him but he was a great boss...He would crap his pants if I called him out of the blue...

What would you guys do ?

I would do absolutely NOTHING.....if he remembers you, then great, you have a foot in the door. If you call and talk with him, he might think you are trying to smooze him and see if he can pull strings for you. And that'll cost you the job.

Regarding Pharma background checks.....

1. These typically only go back about 10 years. But if you only has 2 previous jobs, it possible they could go back further.
2. They are typically conducted by a 3rd party. The 3rd party company that did mine was a 7s-based company, but they used off shore reps to make the calls. People told me they could barely understand what these people were saying.

The pharma industry is a close knit tribe. A company may not be able to determine the details of your departure from a previous company through official channels, but after a couple phone calls through unofficial channels the desired information is easily obtained. And if that information is negative enough chances are you won't get hired. It's a very difficult call whether to be totally upfront about your past with a prospective employer. I think the general rule is let them find the information themselves. Make them work for it.

Regarding Pharma background checks.....

1. These typically only go back about 10 years. But if you only has 2 previous jobs, it possible they could go back further.
2. They are typically conducted by a 3rd party. The 3rd party company that did mine was a 7s-based company, but they used off shore reps to make the calls. People told me they could barely understand what these people were saying.

True -- I was a DM for a guy who was trying to get a new job. And the company who hired him never knew any different.

I wouldn't call your old manager out of the blue and I definitely wouldn't bring up the incident. No sense drawing attention to something they probably will never find out. Good luck!

I wouldn't call either..but I was in pharma 18 yrs ago..and I do remember everyone I worked with. It wasn't that long enough..but long enough for water to accumulate under the bridge, memories to fade, life to go on and all to understand that we all have bills to pay. Go for it and stop ruminating on it.

True -- I was a DM for a guy who was trying to get a new job. And the company who hired him never knew any different.

I used a fake reference once.

And it easier than ever today because a lot of reference checks are done via online form. You could set up 5 fake email addresses and write your own references if you want to.

I wouldn't call either..but I was in pharma 18 yrs ago..and I do remember everyone I worked with. It wasn't that long enough..but long enough for water to accumulate under the bridge, memories to fade, life to go on and all to understand that we all have bills to pay. Go for it and stop ruminating on it.

Thanks guys !