You newbies just need to learn to say no. Leave your house no earlier than 8 and be in your driveway at 5. The company has set unrealistic goals vs other companies and industry standards. They do this so that WHEN they have a “layoff” because they’re shit with money, they can let you go because you “aren’t meeting expectations” and can put the blame on you. If you’re working unpaid overtime and stressing over meeting arbitrary metrics at this job, you need to get a handle on yourself. You’re already getting paid less than your industry colleagues and have way less time off. Learn to act your wage.

You newbies just need to learn to say no. Leave your house no earlier than 8 and be in your driveway at 5. The company has set unrealistic goals vs other companies and industry standards. They do this so that WHEN they have a “layoff” because they’re shit with money, they can let you go because you “aren’t meeting expectations” and can put the blame on you. If you’re working unpaid overtime and stressing over meeting arbitrary metrics at this job, you need to get a handle on yourself. You’re already getting paid less than your industry colleagues and have way less time off. Learn to act your wage.
Shut up you loser. What a POS.

Esperion corporate is like watching The Beverly Hillbillies work on a nuclear reactor. The Board of Directors is a complete joke of Pharma rejects. None of these BOD members ever reached mediocrity in their careers.