Folt the Dolt

Sure hope there are some adults on this board who can answer my reasonable questions... unlike the childish putz who doesn't even know how Warren spells his name.

I don't even work in the industry, my wife does. I will say this, this site is no different than any other internet site where people just anonymously bash people, "from what they've heard". Robb, if you're reading this, take note, apparently a lot of people in this industry have no respect for you and think you are worthless. Fix it. Incyte was not supposed to mimic big pharma, but it is. Start thinking outside the box, and making your employees happy, or you will lose them. Many of them came from other companies for an opportunity. Make it happen, lose your prior "experience" and make this go around better.

To the moron who said, "Thanks Warren Buffet" ...get a fricking life, the person was giving an honest experience comment, and you have to bash him? I'm betting you're 20-30 years younger than him, and have far less $$ to back your mouth up.
I don't even work in the industry, my wife does. I will say this, this site is no different than any other internet site where people just anonymously bash people, "from what they've heard". Robb, if you're reading this, take note, apparently a lot of people in this industry have no respect for you and think you are worthless. Fix it. Incyte was not supposed to mimic big pharma, but it is. Start thinking outside the box, and making your employees happy, or you will lose them. Many of them came from other companies for an opportunity. Make it happen, lose your prior "experience" and make this go around better.

To the moron who said, "Thanks Warren Buffet" ...get a fricking life, the person was giving an honest experience comment, and you have to bash him? I'm betting you're 20-30 years younger than him, and have far less $$ to back your mouth up.

Thanks Father Flannigan