
Must be, you keep coming back with your same half- assed responses.
You’re a fake, a fraud, and a poor excuse for a human being.
I was in the garden yesterday picking the natures bounty when I noticed a very large annelid drawing into he subterranean shelter.
Reminded me of this lost hominoid Lower life form and minimal function

I was in the garden yesterday picking the natures bounty when I noticed a very large annelid drawing into he subterranean shelter.
Reminded me of this lost hominoid Lower life form and minimal function
I am on my way to a great weekend of spoils and consumption.
The sales success puts me squarely in the year end upper strata accumulating the fruits of professionalism.
I am so far ahead that I can fully enjoy the fourth quarter. Numero Uno!

I am on my way to a great weekend of spoils and consumption.
The sales success puts me squarely in the year end upper strata accumulating the fruits of professionalism.
I am so far ahead that I can fully enjoy the fourth quarter. Numero Uno!
Traveling to South Beach today for a planned evening of Latin music and companionship. I always am the winner and collector of perks!

Big weekend on the horizon in the wild city of Memphis with riverboat gambling and lively music. Once a winner forever a winner never a loser!
Didn't arrive in my room until two hours ago. The tables were heavy in my favor and will contribute to indulgences in the extreme. I will be in New Orleans for the weekend mixing with the ghosts!

Didn't arrive in my room until two hours ago. The tables were heavy in my favor and will contribute to indulgences in the extreme. I will be in New Orleans for the weekend mixing with the ghosts!
Dice were in perfect union last night and the local beverages in volume. I will be intermittently checking the layoff picture at noon want to applaud the over due action.

Dice were in perfect union last night and the local beverages in volume. I will be intermittently checking the layoff picture at noon want to applaud the over due action.

Translation : You will be in mommy’s basement in your holloween costume tricking or treating yourself with yourself.
Pathetic loser.

Do the world a big favor and disappear.
You won’t be missed.
When one is the Alfa Male in the sales group I would forever be missed. However, since I am the best I will never leave just accumulate the extensive and well earned perks. I unlike the lowly misfits produce and succeed. Sorry Charlie!!

When one is the Alfa Male in the sales group I would forever be missed. However, since I am the best I will never leave just accumulate the extensive and well earned perks. I unlike the lowly misfits produce and succeed. Sorry Charlie!!
Speaking of Charlie, Spent the day in the Gulf Stream trolling for the elusive tuna and guess what tied in to a Blue money to be made and tail to be consumed . what a piece of tail!!!

Had a marvelous time with very important corporate movers and shakers at Sawgrass. Broke par and secured business. Stage is set for Award ceremony at year end meeting!
Tuesday is Liver Rounds invites to all pertinent individuals. Heavy libations and tidbits for all. Business to be made and developed.
Numero Uno!!!