Fist pump...we r officially in the Growth Years


NO more Enterprise years, it's official!! All Growth now,baby! So all of you hoping, begging for a layoff and separation package.
You ain't getting one. Not now, not ever!
If you're miserable, then RESIGN already !
This AZ ship has righted, and smooth sailing for the next few years. ;)

Yeah! Just like Vimovo, Dutoprol and now LGBTQ-Tern we're growing! With blockbusters like these, lets celebrate! Can't wait for the next rinse and repeat NSM. Get to see the next set of sslt and their family pics. Makes the heart warm and brings a tear to the eye!

Yes! We all survived whew!

People in prison are survivors. Hostages are survivors. I can't decide whether I should be excited or depressed because I may have to do this mind numbing, brain cell killing job for another 12 months.
The pay is too good to pass up but my oh my I fucking hate getting up every day to live this charade over and over again. Nothing ever changes.

People in prison are survivors. Hostages are survivors. I can't decide whether I should be excited or depressed because I may have to do this mind numbing, brain cell killing job for another 12 months.
The pay is too good to pass up but my oh my I fucking hate getting up every day to live this charade over and over again. Nothing ever changes.

You just need some cocaine and a hooker or two.

You just need some cocaine and a hooker or two.

After two field days with my twit of a DM and I am going to need more than cocaine. She has to be the most annoying person on the planet. She can't answer simple questions about our products but she insists on coaching me after every call. She refuses to show me what she expects because she cannot make the simplest of sales presentations. WTF?

After two field days with my twit of a DM and I am going to need more than cocaine. She has to be the most annoying person on the planet. She can't answer simple questions about our products but she insists on coaching me after every call. She refuses to show me what she expects because she cannot make the simplest of sales presentations. WTF?
The twits are everywhere. Bunch of windbags that were forgettable when they were reps. But boy can they kiss butt and spin a story.

After two field days with my twit of a DM and I am going to need more than cocaine. She has to be the most annoying person on the planet. She can't answer simple questions about our products but she insists on coaching me after every call. She refuses to show me what she expects because she cannot make the simplest of sales presentations. WTF?

Put her on the spot and call her out. Pick a Doc that you know will sit and listen to a sales presentation and have them challenge her to make the sales call. Set it up in advance but don't make it too obvious. She won't bother you again.

The twits are everywhere. Bunch of windbags that were forgettable when they were reps. But boy can they kiss butt and spin a story.

Broken business model. More worthless professionals making close to $200K total package as DSM’s in pharma than anywhere else. The demented and the demeaning coaching model needs to go as well. The mental abuse from these idiots isn’t worth the downtime the job affords.

What s freakin joke. And Pascal will still keep his job, even after grossly overestimating future sales. To go from 45b to 35b is approaching 25% less. What if we promised 100%, yet gave 75%? Our jobs would be threatened to no avail. But a CEO gets a pass. 10B is a pretty big oversight.
It doesn't matter anyway or anymore.

We're stuck here like a green fly on a jack ass.

Post 7&8,

Boy that described our DSM to a T. And when she wasn't with us (maybe a couple of hours for a full day field ride which was fine since she did nothing anyway), her engagement with us and the business was literally zero. Well, she went onto to other things (we believe an agreed upon separation package) so hopefully the next one will be someone that can effectively lead & motivate a team.

Post 7&8,

Boy that described our DSM to a T. And when she wasn't with us (maybe a couple of hours for a full day field ride which was fine since she did nothing anyway), her engagement with us and the business was literally zero. Well, she went onto to other things (we believe an agreed upon separation package) so hopefully the next one will be someone that can effectively lead & motivate a team.

Here is how it works at AZ. Someone in leadership spots some promising future DM based on a one time interaction usually at a meeting. They have no clue about their actual sales ability, work ethic, or experience. But they shine a light on them to their current DM or RD and presto they end up in some development role usually as a sales trainer. The DM plays along as does the RD because they too are hiding their own incompetence. After all most of them came up thru the ranks the same way. The same thing happens in HQ where some sweet young thing makes an impression during a meeting and they end up in the field as a DM with absolutely zero sales experience.

Post 7&8,

Boy that described our DSM to a T. And when she wasn't with us (maybe a couple of hours for a full day field ride which was fine since she did nothing anyway), her engagement with us and the business was literally zero. Well, she went onto to other things (we believe an agreed upon separation package) so hopefully the next one will be someone that can effectively lead & motivate a team.
You have a future in comedy or maybe just delusional.

Here is how it works at AZ. Someone in leadership spots some promising future DM based on a one time interaction usually at a meeting. They have no clue about their actual sales ability, work ethic, or experience. But they shine a light on them to their current DM or RD and presto they end up in some development role usually as a sales trainer. The DM plays along as does the RD because they too are hiding their own incompetence. After all most of them came up thru the ranks the same way. The same thing happens in HQ where some sweet young thing makes an impression during a meeting and they end up in the field as a DM with absolutely zero sales experience.

We had one of these headquarter check the box DSMs for about 2 years and it was a huge friggin nightmare.
I am not sure where she is now and frankly don't give a shit so long as I don't have to deal with her any longer.
She spent all day on her phone and rarely went into my offices.

So, here's one: how do you go from 3-5's on coaching form down to 2-3's? Selling skills are same now vs then. Thought: mgr has it in for me, his way of pushing me to resign.

So, here's one: how do you go from 3-5's on coaching form down to 2-3's? Selling skills are same now vs then. Thought: mgr has it in for me, his way of pushing me to resign.

Over 40? Top of salary level? You’re probably correct. If 50, definitely yes, but they have to be careful to not get aage discrimination suit slapped on the company.
Make sure everything he says is supported by facts and examples.
Refute everything with your facts and examples.
Don’t cave, make your manager prove his case.
I had a similar situation, 59, top salary and bonuses, regular awards, rejected promos, etc. Regional wanted me gone.
Instead of defending myself, I took the offensive and documented my manager’s and RM’s deficiencies, which were substantial. Presented my case to HR, and had my atty waiting to nail them.
They backed off, left me alone until O retired at 66.
You can win, just don’t take their shit and let these assholes intimidate you.

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