firing process?


how does forest go about firing someone? Do they call you and do it over the phone? Do they call you into a meeting? Also, do they take the company car that same day? I have also heard they bring a second manager as well as a security guard. is this true?

I must first say since you are asking I take it you are on the "chopping block". It is a simple process and because they do it so often they are very good at it. You will be asked to meet your manager at a private location (hotel meeting room, etc. not a Panera or regular meeting spot). When you arrive, much to your surprise, either the RD or another manager will be there. They will quickly review whatever B/S case they have built against you and let you know that effective immediately your services are no longer needed at Forest. (You're Fired with cause of course). They will take immediate possession of your car, computer and anything else you have on you. You will be taken to your house to retrieve any Forest property there and you will be left there. They will have already taken possession of your storage shed and changed the lock. It all takes about an hour. I have seen it happen and I also know from first hand experience. The process like everything else at Forest is very unprofessional and very underhanded. I wish you the best. You know a leave of absence not only holds your job but protects you from being fired. And it gives you 2-3 months paid leave to interview. Just a thought.

The medical leave is your only security. Find a doctor friend and explain the situation and the only way to save your job is to go on medical leave. He will need to write you up for some Lex and possibly a sleeping pill. Never make it about work on record but about family issues and stress and high anxiety that is allowing you not to function at work. You file with Forests third party vendor called matrix. They are pretty much the middle man that handles these claims. Once approved you have to visit your doc once every 7-10 days to update how shitty you are. depending on service they pay out in full for at least 2 months. another 2 months at 60% pay. If your gonna do it start getting a paper trail on your self immediately. You need at least 3-5 visits before he/she can give you the medical leave. I had a feeling I was being let go because my FTE's were getting lower. Once your on letter of concern its pretty much over. When the warning letter hits you pretty much have 2 field rides left. Yes your full time job is now finding another job but dont slip on signatures, expenses or anything that puts you on a list. Why? They then can terminate faster cause it looks like your boss is telling the truth. Oh you really want to F with them. Dont sign Fte's but reply by email to d. jackson (HR) about how your boss is mistreating you and falsifying things. Make sure the Hr guy keeps it between you and him. Hope this helps and I hope you can screw them like they screw with us

I am no doubt being terminated in the next ten days.....long story and not worth getting into here...don't feel like hearing negative comments. However I do appreciate above comments. I am beaten down by this company and the backhanded shady sneaky things they do. I have never been more appalled by the insincerity and cult like culture that is forest. I literally dread at emails from counterparts and my manager. I thought if I really worked hard I could make a name for myself here.....soo soo wrong. I will most definitely be upset when fired but I will also have a new start.....

I am no doubt being terminated in the next ten days.....long story and not worth getting into here...don't feel like hearing negative comments. However I do appreciate above comments. I am beaten down by this company and the backhanded shady sneaky things they do. I have never been more appalled by the insincerity and cult like culture that is forest. I literally dread at emails from counterparts and my manager. I thought if I really worked hard I could make a name for myself here.....soo soo wrong. I will most definitely be upset when fired but I will also have a new start.....

If you are OP I am the second poster. I can understand the emotions you are felling. Trust me, on the morning after the first day you are no longer a Forest employee you will have a feeling of relief and calm that only you will know. I felt as if the world was lifted off my shoulders. I was facing many new challenges but none were close to the misery I had been experiencing. One other point, you should be able to collect unemployment. Even though you may be "fired" or "let go" I don't think Forest fights that battle because they know there reasons for releasing you are so flimsy. File for it, it helps pay the bills for the time being. I wish you the best.

Yes I am original poster and thanks for ur feedback. I am anxious to get the whole thing over with. It's embarrassing to be fired but as u stated I will be better off and I will feel relieved. I'm not obviously exactly sure when I'm being terminated nut my intuition tells me they wil do it shortly because it's the start of the quarter.

Get into high gear and find another job NOW. No one will even interview you in Pharma right now if you're not currently working.

As to the firing process, a letter of concern is the first step. The next is a formal written warning. The process takes at least 90 days. As has been stated, on your actual termination date you will get a call to meet your DM at a hotel on a day you are not scheduled for a ride along. Another DM or your RD will be there with your manager and you will be given the option to resign or be terminated. The process can be sped up if you've done something shady with sigs or expenses that they can catch you on. You can be terminated immediately for those violations.

As to the comment about getting moving on interviewing in Pharma my response is "why do you even want to stay in Pharma?" Find a new career and industry. There are so many out there. I changed industries all together and have been so happy. Still in sales but love what I'm doing.

Yes I am original poster and thanks for ur feedback. I am anxious to get the whole thing over with. It's embarrassing to be fired but as u stated I will be better off and I will feel relieved. I'm not obviously exactly sure when I'm being terminated nut my intuition tells me they wil do it shortly because it's the start of the quarter.

What part of the country are you in? Just curious???

I'm not going back in pharma. I wish it wasn't ninety days. I have a loc and a warning letter . Do they have to wait ninety dys to tminate u or can they do it before..? I am currently interviewing in other industries...just literally started getting some calls after months of looking and posting. I don't want to say why part of country for obvious reasons,

Get into high gear and find another job NOW. No one will even interview you in Pharma right now if you're not currently working.

As to the firing process, a letter of concern is the first step. The next is a formal written warning. The process takes at least 90 days. As has been stated, on your actual termination date you will get a call to meet your DM at a hotel on a day you are not scheduled for a ride along. Another DM or your RD will be there with your manager and you will be given the option to resign or be terminated. The process can be sped up if you've done something shady with sigs or expenses that they can catch you on. You can be terminated immediately for those violations.

it is very difficult to get into high gear, most pharma's no longer hire anyone with experience and are finding ways to eliminate and not rehire or re staff the geographies. Almost all companies in this biz now are downsizing or "right sizing" and either are making existing terr. bigger and handing of docs to other existing territories or are cutting out head count all together. I know reps who were let go last year, and have been interviewing and looking for jobs for over 12 months. This is real, and once you are fired by the Forest machine or are part of a downsize your chances now a days of finding another job in this industry is 1 in million. Literally.......get a new skill and learn a trade. This is not the pharma of old.

will someone explain the medical leave a bit more? in a post earlier someone had said it is paid in full for 2 months then at 60% for 2 months, so its only a 4 month leave? can you take additional time on unpaid leave after those 4 months and still hold your job and have incurance and if so how long can a person take it? I was under the impression that there is a unpaid medical leave of absence that you can take for 6 months and that is it.

Forest offers employees Full pay for up to 12 weeks medical leave.

If you are able to claim Stress to one of your trusted psychs you can have them write you a note saying you are unable to perform your duties due to this stress. (stress can be work related, home or family life, whatever works for you). Lets face it, its not a stretch to say you are under work related stress. You are going to be fired, thats pretty stressfull. The note should then say when you will be reevaluated, maybe 30 days to start. Then after 30 days, things still havent changed, your dr can write you another note to extend it. Up to 12 weeks at 100% pay. After 12 weeks it drops to 60% pay.

This will buy you time to find another job and beat Forest to the punch. I know many people that have done this same thing, it works.

If you are on any type of formal letter it will be extended when and if you return to work. The only down side is that you will not be paid any commision during you absence. But, who gets commision from this place anymore?

Good luck.

thank you, that helps! So after 12 weeks of full pay it drops to 60% pay. Does the 60% pay go for another 12 weeks? Then after the pay at 60% for 12 weeks (if it does?) can a guy stay on un paid leave and still get insurance, and if so how long can you milk that? This is going to be awesome!

Forest offers employees Full pay for up to 12 weeks medical leave.

If you are able to claim Stress to one of your trusted psychs you can have them write you a note saying you are unable to perform your duties due to this stress. (stress can be work related, home or family life, whatever works for you). Lets face it, its not a stretch to say you are under work related stress. You are going to be fired, thats pretty stressfull. The note should then say when you will be reevaluated, maybe 30 days to start. Then after 30 days, things still havent changed, your dr can write you another note to extend it. Up to 12 weeks at 100% pay. After 12 weeks it drops to 60% pay.

This will buy you time to find another job and beat Forest to the punch. I know many people that have done this same thing, it works.

If you are on any type of formal letter it will be extended when and if you return to work. The only down side is that you will not be paid any commision during you absence. But, who gets commision from this place anymore?

Good luck.

Living off of 60% of a base salary at Forest is less than what you would make on unemployment not a good move. just get fired so you can start to collect your unemployment and be done with this. with the tiny salaries forest pays it is not worth the trouble, one would make more and have less stress by collecting unemployment every week vs. staying on with a phony medical note to collect 60% of your pathetic base salary. This is a big reason why Forest pays the lowest wage and bases in the industry. They hire riff raff and pay riff raff salaries......

Living off of 60% of a base salary at Forest is less than what you would make on unemployment not a good move. just get fired so you can start to collect your unemployment and be done with this. with the tiny salaries forest pays it is not worth the trouble, one would make more and have less stress by collecting unemployment every week vs. staying on with a phony medical note to collect 60% of your pathetic base salary. This is a big reason why Forest pays the lowest wage and bases in the industry. They hire riff raff and pay riff raff salaries......

It's 60% of your gross pay. So living off 60% of your gross is actually much better than unemployment.

It's 60% of your gross pay. So living off 60% of your gross is actually much better than unemployment.

Wow are you stupid. Do the math dummy. And of course it is taxed just like regular pay, so it is net pay not gross. How ridiculous are you? What you think Forest is going to not tax your paycheck as a favor of good will? Grow up.

So can anyone answer the questions on post #14?

I was the op for #13. To answer your ? about how long 6 weeks runs.? Im not sure, I dont know many people that went that long into this. But I believe it is another 12 weeks. I dont think they can fire you as long as you have an approved absence per a dr note. Forest runs this through another company that will approve or deny your request based on your note. Best way to start is get a note from a Dr, Call HR that day and tell them that you have a note for an excused absence, send your manager an email saying you will be out for the next X weeks. Your manager can not contact you at this point until you get a note from your dr saying you are able to return.

Good Luck

You are eligible for 6 mos short-term. How that is paid is based on time with Forest. You can check with HR or find info on the portal. Short-term is handled thru another company and I have heard it's not an easy process. However, I have heard of MANY reps that are on leave for stress and so your odds are good. It is a sad situation that too many good reps are facing!