Fired today

Just got diagnosed with a heart condition after these galderma thugs fired me for no reason out of the blue. its a cabal of old fort worth mafia just wasting money and time and cshing their paychecks. thanks for nothing silvina and the rest of the galderma team.
Hope they. Urn in hell for what they did to you.

Evil bustards. Filling desperate women’s faces and making them look like Madonna and Michael Jackson freak shows

Galderma makes desperate people freaky.

Great marketing slogan
Just got diagnosed with a heart condition after these galderma thugs fired me for no reason out of the blue. its a cabal of old fort worth mafia just wasting money and time and cshing their paychecks. thanks for nothing silvina and the rest of the galderma team.
Silvina should have been gone a long time ago based on US performance. No one since Miles delivered. Problem is she is protected by Flemming.
Just got diagnosed with a heart condition after these galderma thugs fired me for no reason out of the blue. its a cabal of old fort worth mafia just wasting money and time and cshing their paychecks. thanks for nothing silvina and the rest of the galderma team.
Sorry for you. So many people fired without a reason in this company.
So sorry to hear. They prey on folks looking for a job and lying to them to get them into the door. Make no mistake there are so many shit conversations behind the scenes about people. This company is made up of horrible people at the top. You will get f**ked over if you are new. Do yourself a favor and talk to someone before you join. It is a really shit company.
Just got diagnosed with a heart condition after these galderma thugs fired me for no reason out of the blue. its a cabal of old fort worth mafia just wasting money and time and cshing their paychecks. thanks for nothing silvina and the rest of the galderma team.
Fired for no reason seems to be standard business practice at Galderma. Sorry for you.
They should fire the access team. Who’s bright idea was it to do a limited network for Nemluvio when virtually every health system has access to Dupixient?!
There are so many things wrong with the Nemo launch. There’s literally no thought in there. This is built to demonstrate poc and sell to someone. What sense does it make to have so many patient journeys for free goods? What sense does it make to fire marketing right before launch? What sense does it make to have such a restricted program design? I can literally keep going but that’s a waste. I am so frustrated as a part of this assuming HQ team. This fuck**g idiot Bobby pendall has never launched a drug - they are just hiring vendors to do all the analytics work. Do you think they care whether your drug succeeds? If this drug fails galderma tanks but eversana will keep going given its multi vendor contracts that far supercede what galderma gives them. That said, who in the team is seasoned enough to tell them these things on the impact on NBRx and revenue realization beyind just the transactional selling.
There are so many things wrong with the Nemo launch. There’s literally no thought in there. This is built to demonstrate poc and sell to someone. What sense does it make to have so many patient journeys for free goods? What sense does it make to fire marketing right before launch? What sense does it make to have such a restricted program design? I can literally keep going but that’s a waste. I am so frustrated as a part of this assuming HQ team. This fuck**g idiot Bobby pendall has never launched a drug - they are just hiring vendors to do all the analytics work. Do you think they care whether your drug succeeds? If this drug fails galderma tanks but eversana will keep going given its multi vendor contracts that far supercede what galderma gives them. That said, who in the team is seasoned enough to tell them these things on the impact on NBRx and revenue realization beyind just the transactional selling.
Wonder how much money they are spending on all of this…. meanwhile here’s your crazy quota to cover the costs of HQ’s mess.
Wonder how much money they are spending on all of this…. meanwhile here’s your crazy quota to cover the costs of HQ’s mess.
If you think your quota is crazy now wait for 2025. It’ll 3-4x in 2025. They have roughly spent 150M-200M in the US to set up the basic operations in the U.S. it could have been done at 50% of that. AL threw money at vendors and enriched her posse from back in the day while screwing over everyone else. Working with her as her direct report was the worst experience of my life.
There are so many things wrong with the Nemo launch. There’s literally no thought in there. This is built to demonstrate poc and sell to someone. What sense does it make to have so many patient journeys for free goods? What sense does it make to fire marketing right before launch? What sense does it make to have such a restricted program design? I can literally keep going but that’s a waste. I am so frustrated as a part of this assuming HQ team. This fuck**g idiot Bobby pendall has never launched a drug - they are just hiring vendors to do all the analytics work. Do you think they care whether your drug succeeds? If this drug fails galderma tanks but eversana will keep going given its multi vendor contracts that far supercede what galderma gives them. That said, who in the team is seasoned enough to tell them these things on the impact on NBRx and revenue realization beyind just the transactional selling.
Finally, someone mentions him.
It’s actually wonderful news to quit or be fired from this place. You will realize how much better your life is outside Galderma. This place is a cult and nothing more. People here are not your friends and won’t call you when you are gone. The grass is absolutely greener everywhere. Galderma is the worst employer in the medical space.
Bunch of shallow r*****s working and leader titles. Weak shallow terds no one calls because we’re talking bout shallow idiots. Look at the business injections in face to make shallow people look plastic and fake. Neurotic plastic people doing this shot because they are desperate and look like shit. Now they look like Madonna and Michael Jackson. Ugly inside and out is American lifestyle.
Bunch of shallow r*****s working and leader titles. Weak shallow terds no one calls because we’re talking bout shallow idiots. Look at the business injections in face to make shallow people look plastic and fake. Neurotic plastic people doing this shot because they are desperate and look like shit. Now they look like Madonna and Michael Jackson. Ugly inside and out is American lifestyle.
What a whiny bitch
Bunch of shallow r*****s working and leader titles. Weak shallow terds no one calls because we’re talking bout shallow idiots. Look at the business injections in face to make shallow people look plastic and fake. Neurotic plastic people doing this shot because they are desperate and look like shit. Now they look like Madonna and Michael Jackson. Ugly inside and out is American lifestyle.
Sounds like another RX rep that got turned down for an aesthetic rep position.
I was fired without cause a few months ago.m and I he agent been able to shake it off. No Severance and Taking up substance use hasn’t helped. Thanks for pushing me over the edgeGalderma
Hang in there friend. It is hard when bullshit poor quality asds suck and do this to people. Adds can’t lead just look how many angry people. Reflection of ouss poor senior leadership and weak asds
Truth to power