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Fire the training team - Bob Z, Jared R and the jaded motley crew


They’ve been doing the same jaded stupid training for a decade. Quoting some random numbers that cannot be verified, 90% effectiveness in 6-9 months. It’s all bullshit. Fire these clowns and bring in some new folks that actually will do something. These people just take their coupon and go home. See them leaving office at 3 pm when they come in.


They do absolutely nothing. My understanding is they hire agencies and teams to make stuff for them and then they pass it along. They bring ZERO value. It’s all just talk. Ask them to back the facts by taking data over the past 5 years. This is quite possibly the biggest waste of money.

Loser, posting at 4 am. That said, I’ve had plenty of chances to interact with these clowns over the past 3 years as a rep at galderma and they are this self inflated set of people that believe they are doing something special. They are playing middle school league at best. No wonder most of our team doesn’t know shit. The whole model makes no sense. They show up to the field to hand hold us. It’s a dumb way of doing training. Fire them or not I couldn’t care less. They are annoying and creepy af though.

Loser, posting at 4 am. That said, I’ve had plenty of chances to interact with these clowns over the past 3 years as a rep at galderma and they are this self inflated set of people that believe they are doing something special. They are playing middle school league at best. No wonder most of our team doesn’t know shit. The whole model makes no sense. They show up to the field to hand hold us. It’s a dumb way of doing training. Fire them or not I couldn’t care less. They are annoying and creepy af though.
Jared was an extra in Lord of Rings

Rotfl. There are many a comparisons one can make. Similar to the person above, I need these guys to stop creeping me out. They don’t know jack. I see some of the other companies out there evolving at a rapid pace and embracing new ways. We are still doing some stupid shit with the same materials from years ago. I am hoping Silvina fires them.

Now it is NSM planning time and they will do the same shit they do every year. It’s the worst meeting with no feels of the NSM. Calling it a training meeting won’t mean shit - what exactly is the training team training on? We need an overhaul of Bob Z and some folks on the training team. This is pretty JV right now.

Look at their backgrounds. Not impressive at all
the whole point is to hire unimpressive people that cannot challenge, think or do jack shit. Its nothing more than a money laundering front in a white collar office. products sell themselves. someone should really ask teh direct question so what do you train on and watch them sputter out a bunch of stuff. but within that when you ask, what exactly do you do they truly just own logistics, hotel booking, scheduling and giving presentations. no thought on content creation, why and why not. its rinse and repeat. I come from sales and i can tell you this is just bullcrap.

the training blokes are straight up creepy. i understand they are trying to be friends but they are uncomfortably friendly. no real substance to them. bob's been around a while, but when i joined as a rep i was told to stay clear of him and his pet snake. time for a refresh.

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