Fire Miles

Why is no one talking about all the over billing we are doing? It is such a racket with different schemes to over bill customers. These people need to get caught. Our shareholders need to know our profits are not real. They are just over billed customers.

Why is no one talking about all the over billing we are doing? It is such a racket with different schemes to over bill customers. These people need to get caught. Our shareholders need to know our profits are not real. They are just over billed customers.

I agree it is a disgrace. Who do we report this too?

I tried everyone. No one listens and gets really angry when you ask for credits. So.... to the attorney I went. Good luck! Gather your data- customer invoices, contracts, know what they should be billed and what they were billed. It is a lot of work but when you add it up there is millions of dollars in overbillings. Just do what ever feels right for you but I have ethics and this company does not. We, the tax payers, are paying for all this overbilling through caid/care. Not right!!! We are screwed either way you look at it.

I tried everyone. No one listens and gets really angry when you ask for credits. So.... to the attorney I went. Good luck! Gather your data- customer invoices, contracts, know what they should be billed and what they were billed. It is a lot of work but when you add it up there is millions of dollars in overbillings. Just do what ever feels right for you but I have ethics and this company does not. We, the tax payers, are paying for all this overbilling through caid/care. Not right!!! We are screwed either way you look at it.

They should be investigated if they are overbilling medicaid and medicare. I am not surprised.

I am beginning to wonder why we spun off Abbvie. At least Humira would have been a big stream of revenue for the next 3 years and another 2 for Europe. The Hep C drug looks promising. But now we are a boring company. Plus with growth in developing nations-I wonder how much of a staff we need here??

I am beginning to wonder why we spun off Abbvie. At least Humira would have been a big stream of revenue for the next 3 years and another 2 for Europe. The Hep C drug looks promising. But now we are a boring company. Plus with growth in developing nations-I wonder how much of a staff we need here??

You are right there will be lots of layoffs. Just remember that Miles has been lining up this company for a merger for a long time. This will happen in the next 5 years. He is waiting for a republican president so they do not have issues with antitrust violations.

You are right there will be lots of layoffs. Just remember that Miles has been lining up this company for a merger for a long time. This will happen in the next 5 years. He is waiting for a republican president so they do not have issues with antitrust violations.

I agree this will probably happen.

Why is no one talking about all the over billing we are doing? It is such a racket with different schemes to over bill customers. These people need to get caught. Our shareholders need to know our profits are not real. They are just over billed customers.

I agree the overbilling schemes are a major issue.