Fire Koehler

This absolute piece of shit did the same thing at Vascular Pathways.
He is a micro-managing pussy. Loves to critique you after the sales call
but is too much of a bitch to converse with the doctors. When Bard purchased us
last week and our stock options turned out to be just a shade above
worthless, Carl wanted everyone to know that he was let go by Bard. Came to
find out later that he is being brought on as a 'consultant.' He is one of the
weakest excuses I've ever seen as both a manager and a man.

Carl is an open text book case of a clinically undiagnosed bi polar narcissist. He loves to jump in on the big wins at the last minute and claim full credit. He will stab anyone in the back to leap frog up the chain. Everyone working below his pay grade level has witnessed this. I could only imagine if we could sit in on upper management meetings and listen to him converse and take credit for things he had nothing to do with. He is a shameful liar.

It is a real shame Bard and Bill Bold never caught on to this. It proves they really are not leaders if they continue hiring someone of this lowly caliber.

Customers who have dealt with him in the past don't like him. He leaves a stench every where he goes.

Maybe you should get in on the next Bard earnings call with the CEO and bring Carl Koehler and his unethical practices up. Along with the other leaders at Bard and HR departments who supported him. And question why they would bring him in.

This goes out to those of you who have issues deciphering

Koehlerese Statement: I care about you and your family.

Translation: I would sell out my own wife and kids for this company because my entire identity is based solely upon groveling at the feet of companies who could really give a shit about me.

Koehlerese Statement: Great job at converting this account.

Translation: I will attempt to take full credit for this conversion if things continue to go well, if not, I will throw you completely under the bus.

Koehlerese Statement: Let's talk about this.

Translation: I'm counting the seconds until you are finished making a legitimate point so I can jump in and start spewing my bullshit corporate platitudes.

Koehlerese Statement: I've been in sales and sales management for 20 some years...

Translation: I have weaseled my way into leadership positions, even though I have neither selling skills, nor anything resembling proven leadership abilities. Unless you count my supreme talent for running divisions into the ground.

Koehlerese Statement: I've had this suit for 20 years.

Translation: I am completely oblivious to what an asshat I look like. My hair is from the mid-80s, and my breasts are larger than the women I claim to bang.

Carl can change jobs but he stays consistent. Taking credit for what goes well but always sitting back and waiting. Not a leader, never will be. He needs to really look himself in the mirror and ask can all these comments really be wrong? Hard to believe that they all are.

All wrong? Who nows. They have one thing in common - the author. You must be one miserable bastard. I hate some of my old bosses, too, but you are pathetic. He could cheat on his wife and get less sh*t.

All wrong? Who nows. They have one thing in common - the author. You must be one miserable bastard. I hate some of my old bosses, too, but you are pathetic. He could cheat on his wife and get less sh*t.

OP here. I haven't been on this site in months but am not surprised this thread is still alive. The reason is many people have posted the same information from different perspectives. The only commonality is Carl's pathetic behavior.

If you are a Koehlerite or Carl himself it may help you sleep if you think it's all just one person, but that couldn't be further from the truth. People are on to him and see for themselves. No other way to explain it.