Fire everyone involved in shady backroom deals with Obama now!

True. Something always seemed kinda "fishy" with the story regarding his "resignation". I'm sure the truth will come out, unless of course, a "donation" is made to the Republicans which would cause them to quickly abrupt the investigation.* (my and others opinions and observations based on data at hand)*

Fire everyone in Washington. It doesn't matter if you're a D or R. It's the same giant party. Our government is run by lobbyists,Wall Street,big business. Our political system is dictated by how much someone spends. Nothing will change if Rommeny is elected. CEO's at big pharma will be fine. The workforce at pharma,that's another story. I'm in Il and it's is so bankrupt, no one wants to work here or live her. People are getting pensions when they're 50 or 55. We can't afford it. People are living to 80+ years. Where is this money coming from. It boils down to accountability and leadership. There are no true leaders left because everyone is bought and sold. Now go make some calls.