FIPNET revealed

Dirty tricks rather than intelligent conversation.

Sheriff told me it was civil case when I attempted to file complaint.

Making "perps" work hard to prevent me from obtaining lawyer.

Indirect threats such as mentioning thugs at courthouse.

The civil cause of action that may be used in stalking include:

Intentional infliction of Emotional of Emotional Distress.

It includes all highly unpleasant mental reactions, such as fright, nervousness, grief, anxiety, worry, mortification, shock, humiliation and indignity, as well as physical pain. The word "severe," in the phrase "severe emotional distress," means substantial or enduring as distinguished from trivial or transitory. Severe emotional distress is emotional distress of such substantial quantity or enduring quality that no reasonable person in a civilized society should be expected to endure it. In determining the severity of emotional distress consideration is given to its intensity and duration.

Invasion of Privacy, Trespass and Assault are the other associated actions

What exactly happened and why?

Stranger things have happened. Witness some of the idiotic efforts by US pharmaceutical companies to push ahead and make an antibody or an antihistamine into The Next Big Placebo for Alzenheimer prevention and treatment. It's happening at Lilly, it's happening at Pfizer. Oh we must have another blockbuster... sorry pal, but in our information-rich world, you are not going to get by on "branding" and other obsolete MBA theory.

Just deliver the real goods. The patients are waiting.