Finally selling this giant debt ridden fecalith

Epic talk of unintelligent SMT diatribe pontificating their self worth(less)...just finally ran out of other peoples money and cant fake it anymore..this is a case study on regardless of how much resources are backing incompetent SMT can bankrupt even a large corporation...

SMT has way overplayed the 88305 reimbursement cut from a few years ago as the excuse for ADX decline.. Everyone who was even barely paying attention knew it was coming long before it happened (pathology CPT were long over due for a revision by the AMA and the newly penned ACA mandated reimbursement cuts for the top CPT codes billed)....yet our savy SMT was buying up practices at multiples of EBIDTA that far exceeded market value with blatant disregard for the pending reimbursement changes ..

so what is left is the old adage...if you owe a hedge fund a millon dollars its your problem...if you owe them hundreds of millions (aka amassed debt) then its the hedge funds problem.. and this is the funds solution to the problem... cheers did well

nothing left to say.

how about the incomes of these do nothing pigs on smt? most have been here at least 7 years and zero growth to show for it: bw mn mg. nothing new, no ideas, nothing to offer. doing dc's bidding and cashing in handsomely. where else can you command a w2 in excess of $500k without any growth for your entire tenure? all smoke and mirrors with acquisitions. most respectable orgs would have given these smt turds a courtesy flush years ago. drain the swamp. we'll save dc's handsome +$3M income, ridiculous expenses and backdoor consulting deals for another day.

well...miraca is another fine example of an incompetent US based SMT failure that was surplanted by incompetent foreign SMT...hmm seems to be a theme with SMT regardless of country of origin... pray all you want...aurora will be sold..and youll be on you knees begging for have a window of opportunity to use it if i were you

my group is excited to be working with the professionals at adx. I think adx is a superior organization with all things considered. you should focus on something else. have you thought about taking a walk in the middle of a busy street?

have many multiples of EBIDTA when you sold did it take to make you excited to be working with ADX? Once the check is cashed...which I strongly suggest you do before it hard is it to be excited? Was your post-purchase cheerleader demeanor wriiten into rhe purchase agreement? I dont blame you...if I could conveince some incompetent SMT to overpay for my practice I would do it too...and give all the fake praise you do...might as well retire off of an honest living

have many multiples of EBIDTA when you sold did it take to make you excited to be working with ADX? Once the check is cashed...which I strongly suggest you do before it hard is it to be excited? Was your post-purchase cheerleader demeanor wriiten into rhe purchase agreement? I dont blame you...if I could conveince some incompetent SMT to overpay for my practice I would do it too...and give all the fake praise you do...might as well retire off of an honest living

It doesn't sound like anyone wants to buy your practice. That's not surprising given your bitterness and negativity. Can't imagine why anyone would want to work with you.

Get back to work you slackers! its almost here you negative people. the cookie cutters and stress balls have been ordered for the holidays. my friends love the holidays at adx