I just wanted to validate the original post and varify that yes - this indvidual was on fire when this post was written. To his credit, I felt he ran business the right way, treating reps with respect as well as treating our customers like human beings and not robotic pill pushers. I never had a doctor " pull me aside" on a field ride and hear the obligatory " please Mr. rep -no more managers. This guy actually won some nice awards with Forest, and yes, maybe he could have straitened out some personal issues -but what manager can expect to drink the company kool aid forever and be kept from managing in a style they actually are comfortable with with. For example, teaching thoughout the entire field ride, interaction with docs regularly. Sending message of positive feedback and not LOC every field ride. Sure my numbers weren't always great, they we always impoving though, and certainly were my selling skills improving.
This guy got ran out several times, once even after a 2nd PC win, and then essentially was asked to leave. All because he appeard not to be following cororate culture.
He eventuallly left, sadly on his own terms from my conversations with him but is now killing in medical device sales. He is helping me to network and speak to the right people so I can make a better and more exciting career change
When rode together, must be well over a year ago - I was so motivated to really do better because I felt I had a manager that really cared about MY personal development, the the agenda coming above from RSM, ABD, etc
If you feel that Forest has gotten the best of you too, please contact back and I sure this invidual will help you extensively. It's the kind of person he is.
Our manager has not "gotten it" since he left and I'm scared of what's to come at Forest.
Please reach our to us for help.