Final nail in the coffin?

Actually skippy I have better than 30 years with the company and legacy companies. I've seen it all and then some. Years ago pharma reps were respected...did not give messages-had two way discussions with doctors and imparted knowledge. Believe it or not skippy, some calls with doctors lasted better than half an hour. Sales reps were professional and very very few doctors didn't see reps. The majority of calls were sit downs. What I wrote about was today's pharma rep. A shell of the past. No professionalism. No knowledge of pharma or their products and NO VALUE to the doctor. That's why few docs want to see reps. Oh some want a lunch or samples from you but to have a product discussion or disease state discussion with you? Forget it. Oh I forgot you are not allowed to have a disease state discussion only a message. This model is dead just waiting for the funeral Skippy now you go back to your basement in mom's house and get ready for work asswipe.


Could not agree more with the tenured reps.....

Now you have to feed the machine with R & F. If you don't there will be a world of pain, but we all know what that means.

Managers see the same 10-20 docs every field ride, but do not question because their career is at risk too if reps can't see enough doctors. The RBDs and RVPs all fall in line...
Hey maybe you 20 plus as-swipes can do a circle jerk on Wednesday? Watch out at your age you nay be a little close lol

Had the same thing happen at one of our biggest accounts today. Im guessing close to 10% of my real calls come free here every year and it is one of the last that does not mind having my DM do her silent duty. they actually had a laminated sign on the wall where even all the patients could see it. It was plain and simple - We will no longer accept food/snacks of any kind from any vendors. Shit. Now my risk of getting caught on the phantom calls goes up.

I've also been around about 30yrs. Could not have said it better myself.
The job is a joke today.
My favorite? The girls who dress like they are ready for a night out - sleazy dresses and all bejeweled - and then really believe the doc wants to hear all about their kids. Then they will say he or she is a "relationship" call! Good God, the doc is bored to death with your drivel - just try and sell something. Recently a diabetes rep admitted she was "clueless" about the disease state - and she was my contract partner. Sad.

My favorite? The girls who dress like they are ready for a night out - sleazy dresses and all bejeweled - and then really believe the doc wants to hear all about their kids. Then they will say he or she is a "relationship" call! Good God, the doc is bored to death with your drivel - just try and sell something. Recently a diabetes rep admitted she was "clueless" about the disease state - and she was my contract partner. Sad.

Even worse, more than likely her manager and her manager's manager are equally clueless.
I can't count the number of people in sales that cannot have a decent disease state conversation.

Who would have guessed that in 2016 AZ has by far the largest sales force in the industry. Everyone else has changed and we keep getting the same message - execute the plan of action and deliver the 30 second call with samples and live to fight another day until.................yep there it is...........the cliff edge.........

Who would have guessed that in 2016 AZ has by far the largest sales force in the industry. Everyone else has changed and we keep getting the same message - execute the plan of action and deliver the 30 second call with samples and live to fight another day until.................yep there it is...........the cliff edge.........

AZ is always almost exactly 6 months behind the majors -- Pfizer / Glaxo. Has it been six months yet?

Who would have guessed that in 2016 AZ has by far the largest sales force in the industry. Everyone else has changed and we keep getting the same message - execute the plan of action and deliver the 30 second call with samples and live to fight another day until.................yep there it is...........the cliff edge.........
Keep squirming... You have no talent.... Good luck flipping're qualified!

AZ is always almost exactly 6 months behind the majors -- Pfizer / Glaxo. Has it been six months yet?

Always late to the prom. But by a year, at least. 6 months wouldn't be so bad. AZ is, was , and will always be a company that could have been fabulous....were it not for shitty senior leaders and the WORST brand team(s) in the history of pharma.