Fewer and fewer Cafepharma posts on AZ thread

I am in a huge metro area and I know many docs that use carbon rx pads in their transition to EMR. Every rep in our district can prove where docs have rx'd whatever, and it never shows up. Had my own MD rx Vimovo for me and it never showed up! You're right, selling is a thing of the past. We have just a few months left, my guess early spring 2012, before layoffs. Brilinta has been kicked around by the FDA and will likely have such a limited indication it will be a very tough sell. Plavix going generic next May won't help matters.

AZ products filled for AZ employees do not show up in reports - no revenue

I come to CP less and less. What's the point. Brilinta will get a restricted indication. Hospital reps with no hospital products. Vimovo going nowhere. Oncology should have been dismantled long ago. CNS losing daily to Abilify and managed care in general, not to mention generic Seroquel next March. We are giving away Onglyza/Kombi to get the docs to use it. Brand teams have gone shit crazy on programs nobody wants to attend. Crestor facing $4 Lipitor and generic Lipitor this year. So its all going to hell. Let me find a box to check.

Yep. Sums it all up very nicely in just a few sentences. Nobody with half a brain could argue with any of the above. Brilinta's big day will be here soon. Restricted indication at best. Yeah, let me find that box to check.

Wow, its disturbing how when someone posts a thought or an actual fact that there are moron managers who will threaten someones job. That alone speaks volumes as to the LACK of leadership. Leaders lead managers tell/dictate. Its time to fire everyone of these azholes who threaten people and try scare tactics to accomplish their own agenda.

The people reporting to leadership are a direct reflection of whats on the inside of their leaders. So if you have a team of gutless, back-stabbing, ass-kissing, scared, weasel whiners...well, they learned it from you. Look in the mirror and you'll see what you want to see. Examine your mind and you'll find all the baggage you've passed on to your team.

I come to CP less and less. What's the point. Brilinta will get a restricted indication. Hospital reps with no hospital products. Vimovo going nowhere. Oncology should have been dismantled long ago. CNS losing daily to Abilify and managed care in general, not to mention generic Seroquel next March. We are giving away Onglyza/Kombi to get the docs to use it. Brand teams have gone shit crazy on programs nobody wants to attend. Crestor facing $4 Lipitor and generic Lipitor this year. So its all going to hell. Let me find a box to check.
We have people making over $100K who spend more time scanning and editing comments about them from CP than actually working. Anybody who is that afraid of negative comments about them should never be put in a position leading others. Why do they do this? Because they also know that most of SSLT reads CP. It is one big cesspool of paranoid, self serving, ass kissing, backstabbing, incompetent assholes who would stab their own mother in the back to pass someone up. Talk about teamwork and taking care of a developing others went out the window when the biggest political backstabber of all became our VP of Sales. And many predicted that he would ruin what remained of a decent sales leadership team.

We have people making over $100K who spend more time scanning and editing comments about them from CP than actually working. Anybody who is that afraid of negative comments about them should never be put in a position leading others. Why do they do this? Because they also know that most of SSLT reads CP. It is one big cesspool of paranoid, self serving, ass kissing, backstabbing, incompetent assholes who would stab their own mother in the back to pass someone up. Talk about teamwork and taking care of a developing others went out the window when the biggest political backstabber of all became our VP of Sales. And many predicted that he would ruin what remained of a decent sales leadership team.
Why are there fewer and fewer posts on CP? There aren't. Just when a thread gets hot and has a shitload of views and multiple points of view, it gets pulled by CP because some people get offended by the truth they see on these boards. So it only looks as though there are fewer and fewer posts. Two threads with a combined 12,000 views have been pulled just within the past week. Why CP provides an anonymous forum for people to air their grievances, and then pulls threads when they do it is ridiculous.