Fewer and fewer Cafepharma posts on AZ thread


Well, there seems to be far less CP posts here on the AZ thread. I think everyone just simply doesn't give a rat's ass anymore. The passion has long been choked off by AZ.


I noticed the same thing. APATHY is so prevelant at AZ, people don't even have the desire to bitch. Most believe this is just a job not a career. Play the game. Do the minimum for eventually you will be laid off or fired anyway. Senior people who saw the "good old days" are either waiting for retirement or looking frantically out of this industry. Of course you have some who believe things will get better and will go back the way they were. These people don't want to believe how bad things have gotten at AZ and in this industry.

The hype about Charles Manson died down, Timothy McVey, OJ Simpson. Once the truth about horrible megalomaniacs becomes knows, the public loses interest.

Enron, Worldcom -- same thing. AZ?

AZ's days are numbered. When you micromanage everything everyone does in an effort to try to drive compliance and sales this is what you get. Horrible leadership and a sales force that does nothing but box check. Management has no one to blame but themselves. How about we terminate every single one of them and get people in here who actually know how to hire the right people and then give them ownership for their results? I know, i know that would actually take having someone in a leadership position who is not a roll playing power hungry zombie-box checker. Until the clowns in charge are replaced this company is going no where but down. What a shame.

Once we got rid of the greenskeeper turned Specialty Rep, the fun kind of ran out on us. How the Mrs. keeps her job is just a nod to just how far a little brown-nosing can do for a person

AZ's days are numbered. When you micromanage everything everyone does in an effort to try to drive compliance and sales this is what you get. Horrible leadership and a sales force that does nothing but box check. Management has no one to blame but themselves. How about we terminate every single one of them and get people in here who actually know how to hire the right people and then give them ownership for their results? I know, i know that would actually take having someone in a leadership position who is not a roll playing power hungry zombie-box checker. Until the clowns in charge are replaced this company is going no where but down. What a shame.

So true. We haven't been a sales organization for years now. But I can do one thing pretty damn well, and that's BOX CHECK! I don't give a damn about their "made up" sales data. It's pure crap, and they know it. Just today, a nurse showed me Rx's carbons of Vimovo Rx's, going back to March. I had asked her to save them for me and she did (promised the office a special lunch if she did!). 22 in all, and not a damn Rx has shown up for this MD!!!!! How many times has this happened all over the country???? i don't even mention it to my DM, because they want "no excuses"! Stupid moron!! The company doesn't give a shit either.

So true. We haven't been a sales organization for years now. But I can do one thing pretty damn well, and that's BOX CHECK! I don't give a damn about their "made up" sales data. It's pure crap, and they know it. Just today, a nurse showed me Rx's carbons of Vimovo Rx's, going back to March. I had asked her to save them for me and she did (promised the office a special lunch if she did!). 22 in all, and not a damn Rx has shown up for this MD!!!!! How many times has this happened all over the country???? i don't even mention it to my DM, because they want "no excuses"! Stupid moron!! The company doesn't give a shit either.

You little fuck!

You're going to be easy to find -- there's not many doctors with 22 rxes to their name. We'll go to the real data, find out who you are, and you're on a PIP faster than you can say "Good idea, boss." We're not having reps check up on us, got it? We'll check up on you, and if we want to bullshit about the numbers (we do), then we're going to keep bullshitting about the numbers. We already pay you idiots too much anyway. Have a nice job hunt, peon!

You little fuck!

You're going to be easy to find -- there's not many doctors with 22 rxes to their name. We'll go to the real data, find out who you are, and you're on a PIP faster than you can say "Good idea, boss." We're not having reps check up on us, got it? We'll check up on you, and if we want to bullshit about the numbers (we do), then we're going to keep bullshitting about the numbers. We already pay you idiots too much anyway. Have a nice job hunt, peon!

What a completely dumb shit you are! Hell, 80% of all rx's are not even reported to IMS! There is no way to find out which doc this was you dumb fuck, because they were never captured to begin with! THATS THE DAMN PROBLEM DUMB ASS!

So true. We haven't been a sales organization for years now. But I can do one thing pretty damn well, and that's BOX CHECK! I don't give a damn about their "made up" sales data. It's pure crap, and they know it. Just today, a nurse showed me Rx's carbons of Vimovo Rx's, going back to March. I had asked her to save them for me and she did (promised the office a special lunch if she did!). 22 in all, and not a damn Rx has shown up for this MD!!!!! How many times has this happened all over the country???? i don't even mention it to my DM, because they want "no excuses"! Stupid moron!! The company doesn't give a shit either.

Quid pro quo. AZ will fire you for this.

DSM here. Sad to say, the original poster is right. To the PSS who asked for carbon's of the Vimovo scripts, sorry but I cry foul. Who uses carbon's anymore? seriously? Where are you? In the Ukraine?

We all just play the game. Selling is gone. Compliance is everything (thanks you fin' lawyers). I am tired, dejected, and just don't give a sh*% anymore. Been here a long time. Just play nice in the sand box and kiss the right ass. Oh, and what about all this BS around work/life balance.....FU. Sell or go.

DSM here. Sad to say, the original poster is right. To the PSS who asked for carbon's of the Vimovo scripts, sorry but I cry foul. Who uses carbon's anymore? seriously? Where are you? In the Ukraine?

We all just play the game. Selling is gone. Compliance is everything (thanks you fin' lawyers). I am tired, dejected, and just don't give a sh*% anymore. Been here a long time. Just play nice in the sand box and kiss the right ass. Oh, and what about all this BS around work/life balance.....FU. Sell or go.

I am in a huge metro area and I know many docs that use carbon rx pads in their transition to EMR. Every rep in our district can prove where docs have rx'd whatever, and it never shows up. Had my own MD rx Vimovo for me and it never showed up! You're right, selling is a thing of the past. We have just a few months left, my guess early spring 2012, before layoffs. Brilinta has been kicked around by the FDA and will likely have such a limited indication it will be a very tough sell. Plavix going generic next May won't help matters.

The big question is, why was David Brennan at a Forest Pharma hospital meeting for 3 days last month?

I am in a huge metro area and I know many docs that use carbon rx pads in their transition to EMR. Every rep in our district can prove where docs have rx'd whatever, and it never shows up. Had my own MD rx Vimovo for me and it never showed up! You're right, selling is a thing of the past. We have just a few months left, my guess early spring 2012, before layoffs. Brilinta has been kicked around by the FDA and will likely have such a limited indication it will be a very tough sell. Plavix going generic next May won't help matters.

The big question is, why was David Brennan at a Forest Pharma hospital meeting for 3 days last month?

I recommend you bring your carbon copies to HR and se how they respond.

I come to CP less and less. What's the point. Brilinta will get a restricted indication. Hospital reps with no hospital products. Vimovo going nowhere. Oncology should have been dismantled long ago. CNS losing daily to Abilify and managed care in general, not to mention generic Seroquel next March. We are giving away Onglyza/Kombi to get the docs to use it. Brand teams have gone shit crazy on programs nobody wants to attend. Crestor facing $4 Lipitor and generic Lipitor this year. So its all going to hell. Let me find a box to check.

I come to CP less and less. What's the point. Brilinta will get a restricted indication. Hospital reps with no hospital products. Vimovo going nowhere. Oncology should have been dismantled long ago. CNS losing daily to Abilify and managed care in general, not to mention generic Seroquel next March. We are giving away Onglyza/Kombi to get the docs to use it. Brand teams have gone shit crazy on programs nobody wants to attend. Crestor facing $4 Lipitor and generic Lipitor this year. So its all going to hell. Let me find a box to check.

pretty much sums it up, don't you think?