Female leaders can’t stay at Exact

agreed! Actually there are a LOT of women in leadership who have no business being in charge of anything or anyone. They SHOULD be fired or at least demoted and are still here… probably for the simple fact that they are women.

Your CSO, Jorge Garces, is a completely dense-skulled ultra-dumb bastard. He is a male. His IQ is in the ballpark of a chimpanzee. An average woman on the streets is way smarter than that clown.

They are either part of a layoff or pushed out.

18 VPs and counting.
Many more at the Director level

Most recently Grail and Illumina have had these accusations against them, and Grail executives are being sued by 3 women.

The plaintiffs are being represented by Vora Law Firm out of Santa Monica, California. You should connect with the law firm for advice if you feel this is the case at Exact Sciences as well. Pretty sure that they can protect your anonymity.

Fwiw, I believe you. I have seen totally worthless executives at Exact Sciences who really need to go.

If it was reported, ES probably handled it appropriately and quickly and such individuals were terminated. It’s still important to always be aware and remember everyone is a co-worker, not a friend.

Female and leader.

The words don't match.
You're probably an associate manager of remote sales reps let's not throw around the term "leader" so loosely. This is not a male/female issue the only people who stay at exact are people who can't go anywhere else or aren't motivated to try. This is a career layover location.

They are either part of a layoff or pushed out.

18 VPs and counting.
Many more at the Director level
Sadly, what I am hearing from previous posts is that female leaders can stay at exact and in fact get promoted very quickly as long as they are committed to meeting their bosses needs?:(. Hearing this makes be sick.