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Feel the Bern bitches

How bad is it when someone running for President who has been first lady, senator, secretary of state spends $10 million, has the endorsements of top state politicians, the unions, and the newspapers, and has the drooling adoration of the press, loses to a 74 yr. old Socialists who started with no money and 60 points behind? Only a Clinton could fuck things up this bad.

This old dude beat her fat ass by 20+ points and even the majority of women voted for him.
Maybe Hillary is just not very good at this political game. Or maybe her serial molester husband is a drain instead of a help. And her daughter who ranks a 10 on the ugly meter is another reason why they haven't had sex with each other in 40 years.

This old dude beat her fat ass by 20+ points and even the majority of women voted for him.
Maybe Hillary is just not very good at this political game. Or maybe her serial molester husband is a drain instead of a help. And her daughter who ranks a 10 on the ugly meter is another reason why they haven't had sex with each other in 40 years.

I saw a bumper sticker Dump HilLIARy with the LIAR in bold red letters. Maybe this time the slick Clintons won't dodge the scandal.

Is anyone else tired of Obama's boring lecture speeches consisting of divisive attacks on anyone who disagrees with him? It is no wonder everyone is so depressed and fearful of our future with this Debbie Downer as President. I hope we can find someone who will try to lift up all Americans instead of just those that support one party over the other.