FDE Offers


Some have suggested that the starting date is March 28th....could they or would they wait as late as the 11th or 12th to make offers? Probably not but I wish they would let us know something soon...this waiting game bs stinks. I figure that offers will start tomorrow (Friday the 25th) and will wrap up by next Wednesday. Anybody heard anything definitive?

So how will the offer come? Via email? HR? Hiring manager?

Anyone hear anything yet? Background check finished earlier this week and just waiting for the next step.

Is there any negotiating for FDE's on salary?

Some have suggested that the starting date is March 28th....could they or would they wait as late as the 11th or 12th to make offers? Probably not but I wish they would let us know something soon...this waiting game bs stinks. I figure that offers will start tomorrow (Friday the 25th) and will wrap up by next Wednesday. Anybody heard anything definitive?

They certainly could wait until the 11th or even the 14th, that still allows two weeks for you to give notice to your current employer (or the unemployment office- cause unless you're a newbie to this game you know this is desperate gig)

This has been happening at the upper management level only, as under performers are culled from the management circle. Look for news soon - but keep looking for other opportunities. Lilly loves people with multiple opportunities on their plates.

ok so there are offers that have been sent out! how do the rejection letters come in the mail? i was told id hear by yesterday.. and nothing. I have other offers that I have put off for this, Im just trying to see where I stand

You are being taken for a ride. Unless the poster has been offered a non-diabetes FDE position, no such offer has been made. Trust me. Diabetes FDE offers have not been made yet.