
Az science has let the company down. We sell an SGLT 2 that has cancer in the label plus limited EGFR Vs others . Why would a doctor ever ever use Farxiga? It's not even a me too product since it has one Major flaw.
onglyza which was the cash the kept AZ diabetes running now has the kiss of death in the label. Again why thI fuck would a doctor use it when there are others in the class that are clean.
Bydureon yet not insulin indication which eliminates half the diabetes market plus the ducking bumps, needle and pen oh wait plus the duration trial that almost sunk it vs victoza.
These are all last in class products and it's impossible to effectively sell 3 dogs. 1 dog and two studs yes but not three dogs.
We get micromanaged by a bunch of ass clowns who never sold.
I can read a book about law but that doesn't make me a fucking lawyer.

I saw surprised marketing was trying to put a positive spin on SAVOR. I suppose they don't want to come to terms with reality. With all the T2D medications available and soon to be launched, why would any provider use ONG? At least Takeda is making an attempt to make NES profitable by going generic. PLEASE AZ take this dog out of our bag! I need a realistic way to make my bonus!

"today is a great day for onglyza" are they fucking for real.
Unbelievable that this asshole said that statement, what a cluster fuck way to start a teleconference. But hey , I am sure General Custer said some shit like that near the end too.
I spoke over the weekend to a couple of my Doc buddies and they are no way in hell writing these drugs , they said they are just going to give me a higher % of Farxiga.