FDA rejects saxa dapa

Don't worry: We have coupons for cash-paying patients!!! It's FREE FOR LIFE - oh, wait...my bad...
Farxiga 200 million for first half of year. What a blockbuster. Invokana will easily do a billion. What a blockbuster. Watch Jardiance transplant Farxiga with new data. Farxiga needs to bring back cash benefit

all 3 diabetes products suck.

onglyza- 1% market share
bydoureon- 2% market share
farxiga 20% market share

fda will never approve combo and if it happens, no one will write the combo because of onglyza.

out of my 150 drs only 3 write onglyza
Your market shares are WAY off. You must not work for AZ!

There were some unrealistic expectations around this combo (Saxa/Dapa FDC). Glucose lowering efficacy was only modestly better than Farxiga alone. (see the study 169 publication) Knowing this,The FDA probably did not see the value of a combo of the two when you can pretty much take both drugs separately. Really no compelling reason to go this route unless you really don't have much else in your pipeline to get excited about, but upper management at AZ Diabetes was a bit desperate and talked this up unrealistically.