FDA rejects saxa dapa


FDA denial + Crestor loss of exclusivity + so-called Enterprise Years = big layoffs coming soon
Problem is Onglyza has heart failure issues and Farxiga has cancer issues,bladder. This is not a safe combo but BI and Lilly already have the combo. This is a significant setback. BMS is happy to be out of diabetes This combo is dead on arrival or should we say no arrival

You are correct AZ did fuck this up. Remember they did not get Farxiga on the first try either. Tried to get by with less data. Business community is coming down hard on AZ with this non approval.Look at what is happening. Put everyone on Bydureon that is now our future. This will signicantly hurt when the competitors start bringing up this latest FDA decision

all 3 diabetes products suck.

onglyza- 1% market share
bydoureon- 2% market share
farxiga 20% market share

fda will never approve combo and if it happens, no one will write the combo because of onglyza.

out of my 150 drs only 3 write onglyza

all 3 diabetes products suck.

onglyza- 1% market share
bydoureon- 2% market share
farxiga 20% market share

fda will never approve combo and if it happens, no one will write the combo because of onglyza.

out of my 150 drs only 3 write onglyza

My Bydureon market share is close to 30%...ummm...you suck as a rep dude!!

You are correct AZ did fuck this up. Remember they did not get Farxiga on the first try either. Tried to get by with less data. Business community is coming down hard on AZ with this non approval.Look at what is happening. Put everyone on Bydureon that is now our future. This will signicantly hurt when the competitors start bringing up this latest FDA decision
The sad news is Farxiga will only generate 400 million dollars this year. Onglyza 600 million. Neither is hardly a blockbuster. What is Invokana's forecast. I would think north of a billion. Farxiga with all their discounts have not really dented the market. And Jardiance should take some share with the CV data. Farxiga is in trouble nationally it would appear. This latest setback with saxadapa will not help.

So no new product.
Crestor going generic.
Some Primary Care selling Farxiga. Why not just give Onglyza to them also?
Then combine oral and injectable and get rid of all the extra managers... At least half of the useless mangers!!