FDA looking into Pico issues, same as Renasys?

I am a WOCN and I am hacked off with the way Smith and Nephew has just delayed telling me and our hospital about the issues. After reading this particular forum, I decided to call the FDA myself today regarding the Pico. I simply asked the FDA representative about the Smith and Nephew cessation of distribution for the Renasys and if Pico is being examined by the FDA as well. The FDA representative replied and told me that it could not discuss details of the ongoing investigation.

Spin this how you want Smith and Nephew but I am not sticking around using your Pico product and have mediocre care for my patients with questionable products.

WOCN here as well. What people fail to realize is our networking ability and how word of mouth can have a huge impact on $$ for these companies. I haven't had the experience yet where a hospital will just go buy a product without asking us for our input. Bottom line....very crappy to have us find out about the Renasys, etc from google. Kind of reminds me of the GM failure to disclose information. I'm fortunate that we don't routinely use the S&N NPWT. I will say if I was listed on a lawsuit for a defective vac you can bet I would be getting my own attorney to go after the rep and the company for failure to disclose. And AGAIN, no I don't work for KCI.

Both of the WOCNs on this thread are nothing but trolls. You know damn well you didn't learn about the Renasys situation from google. You heard it from the reps. Your ability to talk shit and troll is amazing. Is it unfortunate this happened, of course. Does it make Renasys a POS? No. KCI is no better and if anything they have further shit on their own name by the underhanded tactics while the FDA situation is occurring. How many companies do you know whine to the FDA to get their way? At the end of the day, there are numerous accounts (big and small) who are absolutely refusing to go back to KCI. I wonder why that is...

Both of the WOCNs on this thread are nothing but trolls. You know damn well you didn't learn about the Renasys situation from google. You heard it from the reps. Your ability to talk shit and troll is amazing. Is it unfortunate this happened, of course. Does it make Renasys a POS? No. KCI is no better and if anything they have further shit on their own name by the underhanded tactics while the FDA situation is occurring. How many companies do you know whine to the FDA to get their way? At the end of the day, there are numerous accounts (big and small) who are absolutely refusing to go back to KCI. I wonder why that is...

Try this boy genius....enter Renasys on a google search and see what is generated. I typed in Renasys because I wanted information regarding the machine my pt was getting as I hadn't worked with one for several years. I found out more information from this site regarding all the issues. I'm not naive enough to think KCI (or any company for that matter) is perfect. I could care less about the accounts refusing to go back to KCI. I do care about not being told information regarding distribution. I do care about a phone representative trying to rationalize why it would be ok to continue to use the vac despite the distribution order from the FDA. But hey, it's all ok, right? It's OUR secret.

Try this boy genius....enter Renasys on a google search and see what is generated. I typed in Renasys because I wanted information regarding the machine my pt was getting as I hadn't worked with one for several years. I found out more information from this site regarding all the issues. I'm not naive enough to think KCI (or any company for that matter) is perfect. I could care less about the accounts refusing to go back to KCI. I do care about not being told information regarding distribution. I do care about a phone representative trying to rationalize why it would be ok to continue to use the vac despite the distribution order from the FDA. But hey, it's all ok, right? It's OUR secret.

From what I've seen and read, there was no FDA recall. Dont you think if the FDA thought if patient safety was compromised, they would've pulled the product? They didn't. So why wouldn't you use the product? The only reason is if CMS or insurance pulled payment off the table....

From what I've seen and read, there was no FDA recall. Dont you think if the FDA thought if patient safety was compromised, they would've pulled the product? They didn't. So why wouldn't you use the product? The only reason is if CMS or insurance pulled payment off the table....

True ignorance from this person.

Take your rose colored glasses off you fool.

Wake up and discover the real world around you.

True ignorance from this person.

Take your rose colored glasses off you fool.

Wake up and discover the real world around you.

Do tell oh noble one. You seem to have all the answers....Show me in the FDA document where the FDA recalled product like with the Prevena...I'll hang up and wait for your response....

Consult with your junior legal team. Oh wait, they are busy digging out of the botched 510k crisis.
Just wait in line and then talk to your jr. Legal team.
Stupid neophyte rep.

Consult with your junior legal team. Oh wait, they are busy digging out of the botched 510k crisis.
Just wait in line and then talk to your jr. Legal team.
Stupid neophyte rep.

Again, as clever as you *think* you are, you still are not answering with FACTS....I'll check back to see if you get direction from your legal team at KCI...that is if they have time to stop crying to the FDA that people would rather stick their neck out and stay with S&N then go back to your shitshow..