FDA looking into Pico issues, same as Renasys?


I understand the FDA is broadening their focuse not only for the Renasys but now Pico. Does it get any worse than this folks?????? Major embarrassment. How do we expect to sell anything if we don't have products and they don't meet FDA requirements. Is anyone in corporate paying attention?

The naysayers said Renasys was fine until the FDA warning letters became public. I'm sure the naysayers will say the same for Pico until FDA letters become public as well.

I understand the FDA is broadening their focuse not only for the Renasys but now Pico. Does it get any worse than this folks?????? Major embarrassment. How do we expect to sell anything if we don't have products and they don't meet FDA requirements. Is anyone in corporate paying attention?

The naysayers said Renasys was fine until the FDA warning letters became public. I'm sure the naysayers will say the same for Pico until FDA letters become public as well.

Time to start selling barrier creams and soaps...

What evidence do you have for this rumor ??? I am trying to decide if I should leave and info like this could make or break my decision... Please provide a link or source or is this just adding fuel on the fire seeing a reaction from people... Please followup or please someone else collaborate this mess..,

KCI trolling again. Don't ya think the FDA would have hammered us on PICO when they hammered us on Renasys? How dumb are you?! If you are that unhappy with the company, quit bitching and leave.

KCI trolling again. Don't ya think the FDA would have hammered us on PICO when they hammered us on Renasys? How dumb are you?! If you are that unhappy with the company, quit bitching and leave.

Considering our company dragged their feet on the Renasys FDA claims for 6 months. I don't know what to think. I would not be surprised if it is true about Pico. What I have read in other forums about the Renasys has come true. Why would Pico be different?

PICO hasn't changed since it hit the market. It has a 510k approval. Quit believing everything you read. If you believed everything you read on this damn site, SN is getting out of the NPWT business, Medtronic is taking us over, the FDA is shutting us down and Obama just won a third term. Pick your balls up off the floor and handle the situation like a man.

Renasys had 510k too, didn't it??? BTW, I don't have balls. All of you AWD reps should be on the hunt for a new career. PICO sales are what??? You all have had a month to put your balls to the wall and drive sales! Unless I'm mistaken, there hasn't been any additional adopters but your CRM activities look real niicceee.

KCI trolling again. Don't ya think the FDA would have hammered us on PICO when they hammered us on Renasys? How dumb are you?! If you are that unhappy with the company, quit bitching and leave.

The FDA is so busy investigating the multiple issues with Renasys. I am sure Pico will be scrutized next by the FDA. Truth hurts. All it takes is for a WOCN, hospital or even patients to call in to the FDA (which has happened) and the investigation begins. Go ahead with smoke and mirrors defending the $150 Picrap device. It's nothing more than a gimmicky bloody gauze that sits on top of a wound site for 7 days. What's the point of a 40mmhg device that does nothing??? Well, actually it does grow bacteria nicely on the patient's wound. My bad.

That's what I want on my loved ones. And wow the commissions must really rock on a $150 sale. Where do I sign up? Leave your integrity at home to push Pico.

A WOCN once said..."Pico is equivalent to the AMC Pacer automobile. Just a matter of time before it blows up."

It will be amazing to read the rebuttles to this comment. Yes there will be that person that will still defend the Pico no matter what. Very similar to the people that think Obama is great no matter what. Simply amazing.

Ignorance is bliss.

Perhaps you should read the July 15, 2014 letter to customers again from your President.

I am a WOCN and I am hacked off with the way Smith and Nephew has just delayed telling me and our hospital about the issues. After reading this particular forum, I decided to call the FDA myself today regarding the Pico. I simply asked the FDA representative about the Smith and Nephew cessation of distribution for the Renasys and if Pico is being examined by the FDA as well. The FDA representative replied and told me that it could not discuss details of the ongoing investigation.

Spin this how you want Smith and Nephew but I am not sticking around using your Pico product and have mediocre care for my patients with questionable products.

HAHA True...I heard that the president of KCI takes a shit in 1 out of every 50 Prevena boxes for the fun of it...MY WOCNs are pissed because they havent found one yet. I told them to keep buying that shitty device...hahaha Pun was intended...did you get what I did there? We learned that at boot camp. We are so clever here at KCI...

Just curious. How are the Renasys sales coming along? Is there anything really left for a S&N rep to sell? Prob the best job in the world. You get paid a salary to sell nothing.

HAHA True...I heard that the president of KCI takes a shit in 1 out of every 50 Prevena boxes for the fun of it...MY WOCNs are pissed because they havent found one yet. I told them to keep buying that shitty device...hahaha Pun was intended...did you get what I did there? We learned that at boot camp. We are so clever here at KCI...
