You robot guys are funny, always thinking you're God's gift to medical sales and getting all pissed off about your competition firing back. Get over yourselves. You're not changing the world with single site, you're just another rat in the pack. You'll get your cases from your friends, just like they will. Simmer down and enjoy the holidays.
Judging from all the comments you have made, only person who's pissed off is you. If your right, this precedure will evenatually go away and the robots. So, you have nothing to worry about and you can go on with life. No worries! The question is, why are you here? It's a holiday time! You should be enjoying yourself and not wasting time in this board! Please do not worry, this procedure and the robots will burn in hell and Intuitive Surgical will no longer exist!
If I remember it right, we had very similar comments about the first DaVinci procedures. Look where we are now? how horrible we are doing! We should be ashamed of ourselves! We should take your advice and humble ourselves. We should learn from our mistakes and make admends with those who have been negatively affected by our robots. I will start with you: I am sorry! Please accept my apology!