FDA Dings Kaleo Over Instagram Post With Insufficient Risk Information

Home office here this is old news we all knew this over a week ago assure you it’s a big nothing! No one is the least bit concerned.
Former ASM here, you're all screwed!
If there ever was a time to polish your resume and head for the door, now's that time. Those stating that everything is fine, will be the ones heading out the back door while you "hold down the fort" . You've been warned.

Former ASM here, you're all screwed!
If there ever was a time to polish your resume and head for the door, now's that time. Those stating that everything is fine, will be the ones heading out the back door while you "hold down the fort" . You've been warned.
FDA here, these posts also constitute misinformation regarding kaleo, sale and use of its products. Look it up under 21CFR. It would benefit you, your company and colleagues to cease and desist.