FDA Compliance

Thank god that you are here to remind us of integrity. And truth, justice and the American way! You are the caped crusader of integrity. Quick, grab Robin and it's off to the integrity-mobile to fight the next round of off label promotion! SHAZAM!

A typical glib, smartass comment from someone who has no ethics, no regard for compliance. Says anything to make a buck and win an award.

A typical glib, smartass comment from someone who has no ethics, no regard for compliance. Says anything to make a buck and win an award.

Baby don't be like that. You know I've got that sweet regard for compliance. I know when we we were first dating one of things you were looking for in a man was rigid pharmaceutical compliance. You wouldn't even let me touch you until I promised that I would only promote on label. And don't you remember when we danced in the moonlight to our favorite song, "Only Your Ethics and Integrity Can Keep Me Clean"? Baby, come back to me. I promise to be good and you'll never have to post on here again and you can devote all your time to anonymous Cecil the Lion outrage boards from here on out. I love you.

Baby don't be like that. You know I've got that sweet regard for compliance. I know when we we were first dating one of things you were looking for in a man was rigid pharmaceutical compliance. You wouldn't even let me touch you until I promised that I would only promote on label. And don't you remember when we danced in the moonlight to our favorite song, "Only Your Ethics and Integrity Can Keep Me Clean"? Baby, come back to me. I promise to be good and you'll never have to post on here again and you can devote all your time to anonymous Cecil the Lion outrage boards from here on out. I love you.

It's good to know some of our employees (like this fool) think compliance is just a big joke. Why even have a compliance hotline, or teach compliance at training? It's apparently just a joke ... Until the company is fined. Then we'll see if the front office is laughing.

There was no misconduct, you are attempting to get people in trouble by lying, now with the court ruling your attempt to cause problems with untruths is over. Move on, it is time to live your life. I hope it works out for you and you get a hold of your depression, unresolved anger, or what ever is going on!

From my confidential conversation with an FDA rep, this is no false alarm ... Some folks might want to hire an attorney.

There was no misconduct, you are attempting to get people in trouble by lying, now with the court ruling your attempt to cause problems with untruths is over. Move on, it is time to live your life. I hope it works out for you and you get a hold of your depression, unresolved anger, or what ever is going on!

Folks, the above is the reason compliance hotlines are so ineffective, and people are afraid to report misconduct. Companies and employees just want to cover their ass, so they attack the person reporting, rather than confronting the person guilty of misconduct. It's standard fare by those who have no ethics. The person who wrote the above comment is the type of person who reads about a rape in the news and bashes the rape victim instead of the rapist.

There was no misconduct, you are attempting to get people in trouble by lying, now with the court ruling your attempt to cause problems with untruths is over. Move on, it is time to live your life. I hope it works out for you and you get a hold of your depression, unresolved anger, or what ever is going on!

Folks, the above is the reason compliance hotlines are so ineffective, and people are afraid to report misconduct. Companies and employees just want to cover their ass, so they attack the person reporting, rather than confronting the person guilty of misconduct. It's standard fare by those who have no ethics. The person who wrote the above comment is the type of person who reads about a rape in the news and bashes the rape victim instead of the rapist.

"Now with the court ruling"? So "the court has ruled unethical behavior and disregard for the FDA" is acceptable practice? Someone is practicing their jailhouse lawyering skills! Enjoy your new 3-5 year husband or should I say cell mate.

Baby don't be like that. You know I've got that sweet regard for compliance. I know when we we were first dating one of things you were looking for in a man was rigid pharmaceutical compliance. You wouldn't even let me touch you until I promised that I would only promote on label. And don't you remember when we danced in the moonlight to our favorite song, "Only Your Ethics and Integrity Can Keep Me Clean"? Baby, come back to me. I promise to be good and you'll never have to post on here again and you can devote all your time to anonymous Cecil the Lion outrage boards from here on out. I love you.

The ravings of a motherless child that never knew nurture or caress. Be still soulless one and stare into the abyss. This is from where you were spawned.