Favorite Pinnacle Biologics Memory

When management ordered the reps to turn in 2-3 Medical Information Request Forms per day. Management's direction was to solicit a signature on a form that is legally an unsolicited document. Funny how they (management) never requested this in writing.

Soliciting unsolicited medical requests is highly illegal. It's posts like that that get the FDA to do a review of business practices.

Soliciting unsolicited medical requests is highly illegal. It's posts like that that get the FDA to do a review of business practices.

Did you notice how the CEO would disappear whenever a compliance trainer would discuss pharma compliance? How about HR? "Hey, if you believe management is directing you to perform a task that is in violation to the pharmacovigilance guidelines, call me so we can discuss, and I'll address to the CEO." Talk about ignorance.

When we were asked to calibrate the lasers at all our institutions. Supposedly, it was for the sake of adding value to our role with our customers. We all knew it was BH attempting to add value to our role with the CEO. Talk about grasping for straws. That's when I knew Photofrin was over and it was the end of the road for the reps. That one was almost as ridiculous as the vial stock count at the pharmacy level. Remember that? Let' see...what number am I going to pull out of my ass this week for xyz institution? Ah, 8 sounds good! That way I'm covered for a few weeks. How about the conference call. "Let's go from east to west or west to east." On a few of those I guessed right. "Dr. X has a case scheduled for next month." Sometimes a case with Dr. X would actually occur. And if I guessed wrong, "The patient decided to go with an alternative procedure." That's what I call, "I can play your silly guessing game." My favorite was when a GI would perform a Cca case, and to keep the dogs away, it would have to be described as a BE HGD or esophageal carcinoma. Now we can look back and laugh at how we were able to play the game.

Our first day with Pinnacle Biologics, we met at the Westin and were introduced to the CEO. While he discussed the opportunities of Photofrin and the price increase, he said that he would testify if called upon by Congress. What a fool! They would tear him up and send his Columbian ass back to South America. He can't articulate, yet he relished the opportunity to speak in front of Congress.

Yes, I'm sure congress would go along with price gouging terminally ill cancer patients.

Imagine arguing to have Congress approve Medicare to pay a nearly 700% increase on a drug thats already been on the market for 15 years? He actually thought he could successfully do that?!?!

His argument would be that Pinnacle is supporting research with the increased revenue. But, what research?!? There's nothing to show! The only research being funded is on how to screw their own employees, promote off-label and provide "Kickbacks" as E.L. would say, without being caught (aka "Patient Registry" ala Pat Ross, MD).

Mr. Herrera will get his chance to testify, just not in front of congress.

He must be wondering:
Who was on these calls?
What did they talk about?
What teleconference service & number did they use?
When did these calls happen?
How often?

And of course, why?
Well frankly, because, we could get more accomplished without your mumbling, idiotic and condescending rants.
Such as,
"Barrx, they'll be bankrupt in a year!" - Tell that to Covidien

"Cryo Spray is a joke, they have no data." - Really? That's why they're kicking PDT's ass?

"Tell your doctors to code a different diagnosis, then Photofrin will be covered." - Ever hear of Medicare fraud? Yes, it is fraud - a federal offense.

"Guillermo pays forward." "Guillermo will do what's right" - Do you pack knee pads each week when you fly into Chicago? Or, do you just keep a set at your desk?

"Solicit unsolicited medical request forms! At least three a week!" - Also illegal

"Refer to Cholangiocarcinoma as Lower GI in your weekly reports" - Also illegal

"Make sure you tell Dr. X (Off-Label) Pinnacle says thank you for all your usage!" - Also illegal

"Dr. X, do Cholangio cases and we'll support your meeting with $35,000; don't do off-label cases and we can only give you $5,000." - Also very illegal - And, this one happens to be written in an email. Kinda sounds like a bribe, right?

etc., etc. etc.

Anyone like to share other ridiculous rants?

He must be wondering:
Who was on these calls?
What did they talk about?
What teleconference service & number did they use?
When did these calls happen?
How often?

And of course, why?
Well frankly, because, we could get more accomplished without your mumbling, idiotic and condescending rants.
Such as,
"Barrx, they'll be bankrupt in a year!" - Tell that to Covidien

"Cryo Spray is a joke, they have no data." - Really? That's why they're kicking PDT's ass?

"Tell your doctors to code a different diagnosis, then Photofrin will be covered." - Ever hear of Medicare fraud? Yes, it is fraud - a federal offense.

"Guillermo pays forward." "Guillermo will do what's right" - Do you pack knee pads each week when you fly into Chicago? Or, do you just keep a set at your desk?

"Solicit unsolicited medical request forms! At least three a week!" - Also illegal

"Refer to Cholangiocarcinoma as Lower GI in your weekly reports" - Also illegal

"Make sure you tell Dr. X (Off-Label) Pinnacle says thank you for all your usage!" - Also illegal

"Dr. X, do Cholangio cases and we'll support your meeting with $35,000; don't do off-label cases and we can only give you $5,000." - Also very illegal - And, this one happens to be written in an email. Kinda sounds like a bribe, right?

etc., etc. etc.

Anyone like to share other ridiculous rants?

You covered many of them, but not all. I kept ALL communication and the excel weekly call activity. Remember, he said that we needed to "code" our words so that we "don't get in trouble down the road with the FDA." "Upper GI" means a Laryngeal PDT case. "Lower GI" means a Cholangio PDT case. And I recall he would say, "remember, everybody at home office reads the activity reports." Our response was, "Does Guillermo know what we mean by upper and lower GI?" And Brad answered, "Yes, he's aware...he's been made aware." I was surprised Guillermo didn't immediately pull the plug on the excel weekly activity reports, considering the off-label promotion. Guillermo was willing to allow the paper trail of the illegal promotion so that he could monitor our activity. To Guillermo, it was more important that we followed his direction on pursuing ALL PDT cases vs potentially having his company fined by the FDA. Eventually, Bob Altman told him that it was "too risky," which is why Guillermo decided to pull the plug. Brad made it clear on a conference call that Bob's urging made Guillermo concede to putting an end to the excel weekly activity report. Bob shared this with me as well during a field ride along. I have it recorded on my cell phone as well. And yet Bob thought I was checking e-mails on my phone.

Need to add some credibility: Brad indicated that the weekly activity report was not entirely pulled away due to the suspect communication, but because Bob also believed it took time away from making sales calls. I have Bob recorded stating both reasons.

He must be wondering:
Who was on these calls?
What did they talk about?
What teleconference service & number did they use?
When did these calls happen?
How often?

And of course, why?
Well frankly, because, we could get more accomplished without your mumbling, idiotic and condescending rants.
Such as,
"Barrx, they'll be bankrupt in a year!" - Tell that to Covidien

"Cryo Spray is a joke, they have no data." - Really? That's why they're kicking PDT's ass?

"Tell your doctors to code a different diagnosis, then Photofrin will be covered." - Ever hear of Medicare fraud? Yes, it is fraud - a federal offense.

"Guillermo pays forward." "Guillermo will do what's right" - Do you pack knee pads each week when you fly into Chicago? Or, do you just keep a set at your desk?

"Solicit unsolicited medical request forms! At least three a week!" - Also illegal

"Refer to Cholangiocarcinoma as Lower GI in your weekly reports" - Also illegal

"Make sure you tell Dr. X (Off-Label) Pinnacle says thank you for all your usage!" - Also illegal

"Dr. X, do Cholangio cases and we'll support your meeting with $35,000; don't do off-label cases and we can only give you $5,000." - Also very illegal - And, this one happens to be written in an email. Kinda sounds like a bribe, right?

etc., etc. etc.

Anyone like to share other ridiculous rants?

WOW! That is blatantly illegal!! I don't know what is taking the FDA to make a point with Pinnacle Biologics. They won't have to do much investigating since most of the incriminating information can be found here.

How can you deny what you wrote in an email? It's all documented - especially the off-label marketing, forcing reps to solicit Medical Request Forms and being held responsible for off-label sales, etc.

I recall some of us reps questioning the direction, and asking Brad what are we supposed to do if a non-FDA application question or comment never comes up. He would respond, "the doctors are going to say something or ask...they have to. Our response was, "Brad, unless you want us to "guide" them to an off-label application, that's the only way we can guarantee a MIRF being signed." His response was, "Guillermo and the management team expect and need for 2-3 MIRFS to be turned in a week. This is an important initiative by the organization."

I believe we all had the same reaction:"WTF?" And how about the acknowledgement e-mails from Brad for those who were able to submit 2-3 MIRFS a week? That's when you care more about pleasing your boss (GH), vs doing what is legal.

I recall some of us reps questioning the direction, and asking Brad what are we supposed to do if a non-FDA application question or comment never comes up. He would respond, "the doctors are going to say something or ask...they have to. Our response was, "Brad, unless you want us to "guide" them to an off-label application, that's the only way we can guarantee a MIRF being signed." His response was, "Guillermo and the management team expect and need for 2-3 MIRFS to be turned in a week. This is an important initiative by the organization."

I believe we all had the same reaction:"WTF?" And how about the acknowledgement e-mails from Brad for those who were able to submit 2-3 MIRFS a week? That's when you care more about pleasing your boss (GH), vs doing what is legal.

Interesting how Brad cheered on/acknowledged the MIRF requests but refused to cheer on/acknowledge the progress towards the Chairman's award. Congratulating the MIRF request efforts is all the FDA needs to determine this inappropriate initiative.

When Cafe Pharma added Pinnacle Biologics to the Company Boards. The request to add PB was made while employed by PB. It was simply a reaction to PB management's actions. PB has everything to lose in exposing their corruption. And the former employees acquired great opportunities. All they needed was a little more time. The inpatience of Guillermo desiring for those who departed to leave sooner than later resulted in the inclusion of PB on Cafe Pharma. Had Guillermo not rushed the former employees out the door, there would not have been a Pinnacle Biologics on Cafe Pharma. Now, everyone (including the FDA) has access to everthing being stated about PB and their pharma malpractice.

The positive memory that stands out was attending CHEST in Hawaii. Although, the Chairman's Award debacle was still fresh in our minds, we made the best of this trip. And along with ripping us off from the award, Guillermo did his best to make us work estra during the conference by having us summerize 3 presentations.

My first day post Pinnacle Biologics. Throwing everything in the trash related to Pinnacle Biologics and PDT which was not returned to Pinnacle. The exhibit banners...what a waste of money. Black and yellow...really? What a joke of a display. How much did Finger Paint get paid? I recall viewing all the displays at STS in Ft. Lauderdale and could not believe how amateurish our back drop appeared. Also, did anyone ever use the large and heavy printed in-service slides? They were so useless. EL made them for us and passed them out at STS in Ft. Lauderdale. Lastly, how about the investment with the consulting group Cerenti? The the only investment that made sense were the two Pharma compliance consultants which validated the "pharma malpractice" of Pinnacle Biologics. Guillermo made sure to be nowhere in sight.

My first day post Pinnacle Biologics. Throwing everything in the trash related to Pinnacle Biologics and PDT which was not returned to Pinnacle. The exhibit banners...what a waste of money. Black and yellow...really? What a joke of a display. How much did Finger Paint get paid? I recall viewing all the displays at STS in Ft. Lauderdale and could not believe how amateurish our back drop appeared. Also, did anyone ever use the large and heavy printed in-service slides? They were so useless. EL made them for us and passed them out at STS in Ft. Lauderdale. Lastly, how about the investment with the consulting group Cerenti? The the only investment that made sense were the two Pharma compliance consultants which validated the "pharma malpractice" of Pinnacle Biologics. Guillermo made sure to be nowhere in sight.

Fingerpaint...!!! Hahaha, more like Finger-Bang, Pinnacle Biologics, all the way to the bank!!! It was nice to see Brad and Guillermo get scammed - Got a taste of their own medicine! Good Job Fingerpaint!!!

I recall the e-mail from Guillermo where he refers to BE-HGD as "Barrx Esophagus High Grade Dysplasia." That was hilarious. It goes to show that he too relinquished the BE-HGD business to Barrx.