He must be wondering:
Who was on these calls?
What did they talk about?
What teleconference service & number did they use?
When did these calls happen?
How often?
And of course, why?
Well frankly, because, we could get more accomplished without your mumbling, idiotic and condescending rants.
Such as,
"Barrx, they'll be bankrupt in a year!" - Tell that to Covidien
"Cryo Spray is a joke, they have no data." - Really? That's why they're kicking PDT's ass?
"Tell your doctors to code a different diagnosis, then Photofrin will be covered." - Ever hear of Medicare fraud? Yes, it is fraud - a federal offense.
"Guillermo pays forward." "Guillermo will do what's right" - Do you pack knee pads each week when you fly into Chicago? Or, do you just keep a set at your desk?
"Solicit unsolicited medical request forms! At least three a week!" - Also illegal
"Refer to Cholangiocarcinoma as Lower GI in your weekly reports" - Also illegal
"Make sure you tell Dr. X (Off-Label) Pinnacle says thank you for all your usage!" - Also illegal
"Dr. X, do Cholangio cases and we'll support your meeting with $35,000; don't do off-label cases and we can only give you $5,000." - Also very illegal - And, this one happens to be written in an email. Kinda sounds like a bribe, right?
etc., etc. etc.
Anyone like to share other ridiculous rants?