Fascist Florida !

And they go on and on and on about sexuality. Life itself is sexually transmitted. No sex, no life. A very natural desire. Bible is outdated and misinterpreted on sex. Like it says in Psalm LVlll, 'Worry not, go forth, celebrate and know each other for it is the gift of the Lord to be relished in his name, Amen!

I like that verse, thank you. The bible is just a collection of fables and legends. It served it's purpose once but is outdated in many respects.

I like that verse, thank you. The bible is just a collection of fables and legends. It served it's purpose once but is outdated in many respects.

The Bibke is timeless. It's teachings and wisdom are for all times.

Thanks for your deranged opinion but the facts are clear. We suffer many individual and societal pathologies because we don't follow the Bible. Case closed.

The Bibke is timeless. It's teachings and wisdom are for all times.

Thanks for your deranged opinion but the facts are clear. We suffer many individual and societal pathologies because we don't follow the Bible. Case closed.

Yeah, we know - anything that doesn't meet your personal taste is 'deranged' - LMFAO!

The fact is that the bible was written (or rather started evolving as a collection of folk tales on scrolls) 2000 years ago. The ideas on things like killing and theft still are applicable. Sex? Not so much. Hygiene wasn't as good back then. Knowledge of different sexual techniques was limited. Now we can test each other and responsible people, once tested, can enjoy an occasional walk on the wild side. Like Jimmy Buffet sand years ago, "Dive in, guzzle gin, commit a little mortal sin, it's good for the soul."

I'm not talking about wild, unprotected sex with random, unvetted strangers, I'm talking consensual, enjoyable experiences with like minded adults who are known to be disease free. Do you have the same thing for dinner every night? Hell no. You try something else now and then - it doesn't breakup your marriage, it's just a very cool, sex positive thing to do IF (and only if) you have a SOLID relationship w/ your significant other.

Let's face it Sparky, when we're dead, we're dead. Ever been under general anesthesia? Samo, samo except your heartbeat (in addition to your brainwaves) is flatlined. You don't know you're dead because the brain (where knowledge occurs) isn't functioning.

I suggest you search for the 'Hidden Psalms'. Like Psalm LVlll - "Goeth out, lie in the cool grass I have created foir you an know her." That alone tells it like it is because, back then, to 'know someone' was to be se*ually intimate with them and Jesus Okayed it, he just did so in a quiet way and the Lost Psalms only recently came to light in 1th century Europe.

So Sparky, have a talk w/ wifey. My guess is she already wants to try this, just doesn't want to hurt your feelings.

Peace out,

Yeah, we know - anything that doesn't meet your personal taste is 'deranged' - LMFAO!

The fact is that the bible was written (or rather started evolving as a collection of folk tales on scrolls) 2000 years ago. The ideas on things like killing and theft still are applicable. Sex? Not so much. Hygiene wasn't as good back then. Knowledge of different sexual techniques was limited. Now we can test each other and responsible people, once tested, can enjoy an occasional walk on the wild side. Like Jimmy Buffet sand years ago, "Dive in, guzzle gin, commit a little mortal sin, it's good for the soul."

I'm not talking about wild, unprotected sex with random, unvetted strangers, I'm talking consensual, enjoyable experiences with like minded adults who are known to be disease free. Do you have the same thing for dinner every night? Hell no. You try something else now and then - it doesn't breakup your marriage, it's just a very cool, sex positive thing to do IF (and only if) you have a SOLID relationship w/ your significant other.

Let's face it Sparky, when we're dead, we're dead. Ever been under general anesthesia? Samo, samo except your heartbeat (in addition to your brainwaves) is flatlined. You don't know you're dead because the brain (where knowledge occurs) isn't functioning.

I suggest you search for the 'Hidden Psalms'. Like Psalm LVlll - "Goeth out, lie in the cool grass I have created foir you an know her." That alone tells it like it is because, back then, to 'know someone' was to be se*ually intimate with them and Jesus Okayed it, he just did so in a quiet way and the Lost Psalms only recently came to light in 1th century Europe.

So Sparky, have a talk w/ wifey. My guess is she already wants to try this, just doesn't want to hurt your feelings.

Peace out,

It's not about my personal tastes. It's about the facts. And one of those is that despite all of our hygiene and scientific knowledge and modern medicine, we are in the midst of an STD EPIDEMIC. Not a mild uptick of STDs in the population. An EPIDEMIC.

And please you are far too stupid to presume to know what my wife wants, so please spare yourself further embarrassment there.

So in the end, all you have is your normal immoral and irrational babble.

It's not about my personal tastes. It's about the facts. And one of those is that despite all of our hygiene and scientific knowledge and modern medicine, we are in the midst of an STD EPIDEMIC. Not a mild uptick of STDs in the population. An EPIDEMIC.

And please you are far too stupid to presume to know what my wife wants, so please spare yourself further embarrassment there.

So in the end, all you have is your normal immoral and irrational babble.

We are in an STD epidemic because we are in a stupidity epidemic. We don't give our kids the 'safe sex' info they need when they begin their sexual life. The info is all available, we use it and play safe. What you're saying is idiotic - like saying we have an epidemic of shootings so people shouldn't own guns - WRONG - they just need to know how to use them. Same as the sex organs Snowflake. :cool:

We are in an STD epidemic because we are in a stupidity epidemic. We don't give our kids the 'safe sex' info they need when they begin their sexual life. The info is all available, we use it and play safe. What you're saying is idiotic - like saying we have an epidemic of shootings so people shouldn't own guns - WRONG - they just need to know how to use them. Same as the sex organs Snowflake. :cool:

Glad to see that you wised up and agree with me. Yes, not following the Bible makes people stupid. The Bibke is the instruction manual for how to properly use the sex organs! :cool:

Glad to see that you wised up and agree with me. Yes, not following the Bible makes people stupid. The Bibke is the instruction manual for how to properly use the sex organs! :cool:

That was the funniest post you've ever made. Are oral sex techniques discussed in depth in your bibke? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

That was the funniest post you've ever made. Are oral sex techniques discussed in depth in your bibke? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Yeah, it is one of my funnier posts. I made you look very silly.

The Bible teaches us the key components of sexuality which is there is only one appropriate means of sexual expression: between a man and a woman within the context of marriage. Nothing else is legit.

Yeah, it is one of my funnier posts. I made you look very silly.

The Bible teaches us the key components of sexuality which is there is only one appropriate means of sexual expression: between a man and a woman within the context of marriage. Nothing else is legit.

An inapplicable teaching in this day and age. What do you see as the chances o that happening? Somewhere between zero and none in my book. Theoretically, many things will work. The reality is, those things just don't fly. This happens to be one of them. I'm being kind to you today. :cool:

Yeah, we know - anything that doesn't meet your personal taste is 'deranged' - LMFAO!

The fact is that the bible was written (or rather started evolving as a collection of folk tales on scrolls) 2000 years ago. The ideas on things like killing and theft still are applicable. Sex? Not so much. Hygiene wasn't as good back then. Knowledge of different sexual techniques was limited. Now we can test each other and responsible people, once tested, can enjoy an occasional walk on the wild side. Like Jimmy Buffet sand years ago, "Dive in, guzzle gin, commit a little mortal sin, it's good for the soul."

I'm not talking about wild, unprotected sex with random, unvetted strangers, I'm talking consensual, enjoyable experiences with like minded adults who are known to be disease free. Do you have the same thing for dinner every night? Hell no. You try something else now and then - it doesn't breakup your marriage, it's just a very cool, sex positive thing to do IF (and only if) you have a SOLID relationship w/ your significant other.

Let's face it Sparky, when we're dead, we're dead. Ever been under general anesthesia? Samo, samo except your heartbeat (in addition to your brainwaves) is flatlined. You don't know you're dead because the brain (where knowledge occurs) isn't functioning.

I suggest you search for the 'Hidden Psalms'. Like Psalm LVlll - "Goeth out, lie in the cool grass I have created foir you an know her." That alone tells it like it is because, back then, to 'know someone' was to be se*ually intimate with them and Jesus Okayed it, he just did so in a quiet way and the Lost Psalms only recently came to light in 1th century Europe.

So Sparky, have a talk w/ wifey. My guess is she already wants to try this, just doesn't want to hurt your feelings.

Peace out,

That explains the virgin birth. Guess Joseph didn’t get in the grass and know Mary.
Another contradiction, but it’s fiction anyway so nothing has to really make sense or be consistent.
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An inapplicable teaching in this day and age. What do you see as the chances o that happening? Somewhere between zero and none in my book. Theoretically, many things will work. The reality is, those things just don't fly. This happens to be one of them. I'm being kind to you today. :cool:

There is a huge difference between not working and being too stupid to utilize them.

There is also the matter if a continuum. It's not an all or nothing situation. The closer you get to the Biblical standard, the happier and healthier you will be.

Regardless, you're a total fool to say that something won't fly when the reality is that we are in huge trouble today - diseases, divorce and family breakup.

There is a huge difference between not working and being too stupid to utilize them.

There is also the matter if a continuum. It's not an all or nothing situation. The closer you get to the Biblical standard, the happier and healthier you will be.

Regardless, you're a total fool to say that something won't fly when the reality is that we are in huge trouble today - diseases, divorce and family breakup.


Unless you can prove that it's fiction, then the possibility that's it's true must be allowed, unless you want to be closed minded. :D

It hasn’t been proven it’s factual. So what you’re saying is that the Bible is whatever you want it to be fact or fiction.
That covers every religion, all that takes place in politics, etc.

Unless you can prove that it's fiction, then the possibility that's it's true must be allowed, unless you want to be closed minded. :D

So unless you can prove Trump didn't do anything wrong with Russia, then the [possibility that it's true must be allowed, unless you want to be close minded? :p

Proceed with the investigation. If he's innocent he wouldn't take the 5th - the mob does that.

So unless you can prove Trump didn't do anything wrong with Russia, then the [possibility that it's true must be allowed, unless you want to be close minded? :p

Proceed with the investigation. If he's innocent he wouldn't take the 5th - the mob does that.

And once again you make a fool of yourself. That's not the way our legal system works. You're innocent until proven guilty and you're not investigated unless there is compelling evidence that you're guilty.

There is NO EVIDENCE against Trump. :p:p:p

You're dismissed! :rolleyes:

It hasn’t been proven it’s factual. So what you’re saying is that the Bible is whatever you want it to be fact or fiction.
That covers every religion, all that takes place in politics, etc.

In many, many respects it has been proven true. It hasn't been proven false.

The Bibke is what it is. It has been proven accurate and reliable.

You however engage in wishful and confused thinking.